R.I.P King of Pop

R.I.P King of Pop
I Love You!!! You Will Be Missed!!

About Me

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Metairie, Louisiana, United States
I am a very down to Earth person who has a lot in life to be thankful for. I love meeting new people and making them laugh! I want to get a Ph.D in Clinical Pyschology and become a pyschologist.

"Best Film of 2008" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2008" In My Opinion!

"Best Film Of 2009" In My Opinion!

"Best Film Of 2009" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2010" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2010" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2011" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2011" In My Opinion!

Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Baby Madison Bybee is Here!

I text'd my friend Brady today to tell him that I hope all goes well with his wife Rachel because she was supposed to get induced today and I wanted them to know that they were in my prayers! Brady text messaged me today and it was a picture of their daughter and she looked so precious! Children really are a blessing from God! I am so happy for them!