This was more a movie about the ANIMALS than the PEOPLE & that actual comparison was made several times throughout the film! This was definitely a family-orientated film. It was very original & lacked that ability to shine to be @ the top of the Box Office Charts. Damon gave a great performance esp. in the scenes with his son where they were shouting & angry with each other. The little girl was exceptionally cute & always saying the sweetest things; if not doing or saying something very funny that made the audience laugh out loud & that is rare to have a child of such a young age be so talented like she was! The movie had an average cast, some more big names could have been introduced, but I can see that the film was, in fact, of a low budget because the photography was of a poor magnitude. Overall, the storyline was okay, some parts were funny & sweet while others were more serious. It's a family movie suited for the inner-kid of us all!