Baby G-Unit and Me

Justin, Brady, Me, and Ryan

Me and Baby Madi

Me and the Big Boy, Baxton
First, the flight was great all except da damn pilots were going to damn slow! How is it that they say they are going 300 MPH when it feels like they are going that fast when they take off?!?!?! WTF? I got to see mah TWO of mah THREE favorite families: The Bybees and The Spencers. Brady picked me up at the Airport where they lost my luggage. Not the greatest way to begin a great and well planned out vacation, huh? I know. We drove to Chilis and all of the Bybees were there waiting on my arrival and I felt all the love in the World! They are always there to smile and make me smile. I got to see Braxton, whom is the greatest and smartest kid in the World! He is ready for Harvard Law School! Lol! I love him! I got to meet Baby Madison and got to see mah girls Aubree and Hayden. They love me so much and I feel the same about them. I got to meet Aubs husband, Justin. He is way cool cool, too! I got to meet Hayden's BF, Ryan. He is cool too! After I was finished with them I went to Eagle Mountain, Utah and saw Crystal and Taylor Spencer and met their little boy, Gavin 'AKA' to me as Baby G-Unit! Lol! We played Family Fued and then we ate Jambalaya and Fried Pork Chops. They assisted me in the kitchen! We alos watched the movie "Obsessed." My luggage arrived there at their place at about 2:35am! I did not care how long it would take for it to arrive, I just wanted it because I had everything in there! I cannot survive with just a carry on bag and my laptop!