Well, I picked up my usual four missionaries for Stake Conference this evening at about 4:45ish, but conference did not begin until 6pm and it was from 6:00-8pm. Yes, a full 2 hours with 8 different speakers. It was good to see all the people from the Stake all gathered around and it was good to see some familiar faces there including missionaries that I have not seen for a few months or weeks.
After Stake Conference was over-everyone ran up to other people and caught up and reminisced about the good old days. The centered there around the meeting today was about Temples and I have a very strong and firm testimony about Temples. I rarely get to go to the Temple and I wanted to cry so hard during conference when all the talks were about Temples and how precious and wonderful they are!
After the big and huge crowd died down, the majority of the Elders met @ Taco Bell and ate and chilled there and then we left at about 9:20pm & me along with the 4 missionaries that I gave a ride to headed back to our side, Metairie! All n all, I loved the testimonies that were born about Temples and the importance of Temples and when I do get the chance to go to Temples-I feel so great! They truly are "The House of the Lord!"
The picture of this Salt Lake City Temple in this posting, I had the honor of going in there to do baptisms for the dead while on my trip to Utah a while ago along with others! If I lived in Utah or n e other state, I would b in the Temple, if not at home or work! I LOVE Temples so much!