Wow! What can I say about “the” actual horrible bosses AND the actual film itself? Whew! The bosses were all the same, crude, rude, and just horrible! But the way that they were all introduced in the beginning of the film was remarkably funny! There were so many sexual explicit scenes with Aniston’s character that I could NOT contain my laughter! She was dynamite! The way that Day acted throughout the entire film was simply funny-he was stupid as hell! He had me cracking up and so did Jamie Foxx! Foxx’s name in the movie was soooo damn funny and the story he tells as to how he got the name is priceless; trust me on that! Because of all the sexual explicit imagery and the vulgar language/references, I felt like I was watching a continuation of Bad Teacher! Lol! This movie, as a whole was very entertaining from start to finish! I laughed at almost every character and in every scene at like 5 minute intervals! That is a definite good thing! This movie had the perfect cast, the photography was bright and clear, the acting was phenomenal, and the laughter was very contagious! This is a definite must see movie & the way that it ended—it was priceless…u will laugh and stay for the ending credits, they are just like The Hangover, funny as hell!