There are only FIVE categories that I truly care about where the Oscars are concerned and they are:
1. Best Picture
2. Actor In A Leading Role
3. Actor In A Supporting Role
4. Actress In A Leading Role
5. Actress In A Supporting Role
All the other categories like Sound Mixing, Best Film Editing, Screenplay, etc are not for me. I mean, if a movie that I have seen and esp. loved wins in one of the other remaining categories, of course, I get excited, but the 5 that I listed are the ones I love! Here are my predictions:
Best Picture: "Inception" w/Leonardo DiCarpio and Luke Haas
Actor In A Leading Role: Jeff Bridges for "True Grit"
Actor In A Supporting Role: Christian Bale for "The Fighter"
Actress In A Lead Role: Natalie Portman for "Black Swan"
Actress In A Supporting Role: Amy Adams for "The Fighter"