R.I.P King of Pop

R.I.P King of Pop
I Love You!!! You Will Be Missed!!

About Me

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Metairie, Louisiana, United States
I am a very down to Earth person who has a lot in life to be thankful for. I love meeting new people and making them laugh! I want to get a Ph.D in Clinical Pyschology and become a pyschologist.

"Best Film of 2008" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2008" In My Opinion!

"Best Film Of 2009" In My Opinion!

"Best Film Of 2009" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2010" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2010" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2011" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2011" In My Opinion!

Blog Archive

Friday, November 11, 2011

DiCaprio Returns as FBI Agent "J. EDGAR"

Mindblowing! DiCaprio displays a magnituide of acting varaties! His performance captivates the screen & his audiences! Eastwood really directed his butt off in this movie! I was so impressed by what I saw! Leonardo is a MASTER at his craft! This movie was creating a lot of buzz before the trailer was finally aired, and even afterwards!!! DiCaprio & Hammer BOTH deliver A+ performances! I am still in awe at how this movie touched me! When it was over, all I could think about is DiCaprio! DiCaprio! DiCaprio! He deserves to win @ The Oscars in the Best Actor category & "J. Edgar" needs to win Best Picture! Just me typing the words does not do it justice! Loved this movie & I am dumbfounded that it aired in theaters worldwide on 11/11/11: Leonardo's Birthday! What a gift? To have HIS movie open on HIS birthday exhibiting HIM as a lead actor in a TRUE STORY! Best day ever for DiCaprio!