The thing that really upset me was the fact that the movie theater told us that 3D was the ONLY format for this film. 3D is very costly and they want us to keep 3D green by recycling the glasses and the price is $13/per guest. So we were really upset when they were NOT offering it in 2D (regular formatting...). I THINK they did that because most patrons are complaining about having to pay such a high price & are not seeing anything 3D in the films nowadays-so the theatres may be only offering 3D formatting movies instead of just giving us the choice of 2 or 3D. Nope, it is not fair and in this tough economy-no one wants to help @ all..
But getting to how I thought the movie was...for this movie here-I did not see one 3D image even in the preview, so I was going to see it in 3d, but--This was actually like watching a repeat of "Seed of Chucky" seriously! This was like a horror comedy rather than a death heart stopping thriller! There was NO suspense, NO 3D (we had to see it in this because 2D was not offered)! This was a teen slasher film. The killing was pretty brutal in certain scenes & somewhat gory imagery. I was laughing a lot and that is not good in a horror film to be perfectly honest with you! This movie was designed for teenagers. This was not a horror film to fit all ages. I was very disappointed! The previews are the only parts where you needed the 3D glasses...sad....very sad....