This movie was like Larry: plain and just no flare to it/him! But, the IMMEDIATE thing that I noticed about Julia Roberts’ character in this movie is that is was slightly similar to Cameron Diaz’ character in Bad Teacher. Diaz’ character was rough and slutty and did not give a crap while on the other hand, Roberts’ character was simply nonchalance, at times-not 24/7 and she would always look beat up and exhausted. Now that is out of the way…..I felt like every time Julia and Tom interacted with each other, it was very funny an exciting. Dr. M was really funny when he started laughing uncontrollably in his scenes. This was a low-budget film with no other stars but Julia and Tom that had pivotal roles. This was one of those movies where the previews looked intriguing-but the end result was just okay. This was a movie made for the “older generation.” It was really original and I not deliver the type of performance I was expecting, so thank you not Mr. Larry Crowne!