When I arrived home from the Theater, I saw this envelope on my kitchen table! I made it! I actually am going to be an actor! I never dreamed in a million years that it could happen to me. This was NOT my life-long dream, but IK do appreciate filming and everything that comes along with it, but to see thigns like this happen to me and at the pace that they are happening! I have to be so grateful and thankful for this kind of a blessing!
I so wanted to give this movie a full 5 stars, but I can't! Do not get me wrong, the movie was hilarious as hell esp. the movie theater scene! That one did it for me. That lil Asian kid was so funny taping everything to himself, you will understand if you choose to see it, the dinner scene in the beginning was funny, Jack and Jill jumping rope on the cruise was kicks also and the part where Jill passed gas to was funny! This movie was cracking me up the entire time I was watching it. The introduction to the film was GENIUS! The ending was the same exact way. Adam Sandler really did a good job and this is a sweet, funny, holiday-centered film. A movie for all ages. There were even kids in the theater that were cracking up laughing! That is a definite plus!!! The movie just seemed a little on the weak side and not "100% comical." This was in the genre of comedy, but I was laughing, but it was not making me laugh if I were to see movies such as Grown Ups, Norbit, Scary Movies 1-4, etc. There were a few parts in the movie where I was just in awe with my mouth open because I was shocked to see something and trust me, even though I was shocked, it was still a good thing! Lol! Truly, this is a very funny movie and it should have come out around Thanksgiving or the Christmas Holidays! A film the WHOLE family can love even if your family has a "Jill."