FREAKING CRAZY!! I was expecting this movie to be a replica of "Legion" or "The Happening" or "The Lovely Bones" because it just looked weak and had no power...I was wrong...it did not have the power and suspense that I was looking for that I had anticipated, but I still liked this film....I jumped at a few parts and it kept my attention and it was gory as well...This film had the correct and dynamite name of "The Crazies" because the town had some CRAZY people in it doing some CRAZY things and it was just CRAZY! One of mah favorite elements in a horror film and something that I thought would happen did NOT happen and that element I love as well...some parts were predictable and others were not....all in all this was a good movie and the Zombie-typed people were really making me laugh because of how they were acting...I mean they were shot in the forehead and were still moving around doing crazy stuff! When I laugh in a horror movie, that is a good thing as well! The way that it ended there may be a Part 2.....