Well, tonight was the night that I was waiting for toe FINALLY get my copy of Drew's book personally autographed...I got there at like 5:45pm and the signing was scheduled to begin @ 6:30-8:30pm, but something tells me that after I left, Drew was there well past 8:30 to sign every copy of that book. They even had people who had been at Wal-Mart ever since 6:30 this morning to see him! People were saying that those are people that have no life or put it on hold just to see him first and it would only be for a matter of seconds because the line had to keep moving! Well as I was nearing to the point of where he was I was getting so nervous, my stomach was in knots and I had no idea what to say, and if I did tell him something, would I forget?!?! Well, when I got up to him, I looked him in his eyes and said, "Drew, as you said in Chpt. 2 of ur book, u want to be one of God's few good men...I know that you are! Ur a remarkable human being!" He looked up @ me and said, "thanks man, what's ur name?", and I told him and he looked up and let me take a picture of him! AMAZING! He is really a nice and down-to Earth person! He is really making a lot of money of his books...no doubt and he is donating half of the proceeds form the sale of his book to charities! The man is truly one of God's best and humblest!