I went to some stores on “African American” Friday (Black Friday-the day after Thanksgiving) and boy was it a hot mess up in them stores. It as like a U2 or Ludacris concert. Better yet, it was like when I went to go see a movie last week and all the people waiting was for New Moon” and I could not squeeze in anywhere! Exactly like that and I saw iPod’s for like $145 no matter what the size was, Plasma TV’s on sale, etc. Some things were like $1, $100, or a little bit off-not dramatically lowered price though! I had to hit up the DVD section-I got some Law and Order: SVU DVD’s for cheap! Yay! I was too excited! I already have an iPod, and the AT&T store had iPhone’s for $99 and the new iPhones for $199. Sales! Sales! Sales! FYI: It is called Black Friday because it is death how people will do anything for the sales and doors open at certain stores from Midnight to 4AM…