Well, I did not have any plans at all today-but to just chill and when I woke up this morning-I got some text messages from my Supervisor at my new job and she was asking me if I would not mind coming in today from 1-4 just to help her out and that I did not need my uniform. I said hell yea! I got time in a hlaf because it was a holiday! She made me a nametag and we had a sidewalk sale on DVD's. I went to Party City and got some red, white, and blue balloons to decorate the store. I was trying to put the balloons in my car and as I ket forcing them in my car, they were busting so I decided to walk the balloons over to Hollywood Video! Lol... I did not want the money to go to waster so that is y I walked there. After work, I went home and at some BBQ food and then at around 8, I drove right down the street to the missionaries place and chilled with them for a few minutes and I talked and texted some friends to see how they were doing and to wish them a Happy 4th of July! I still cannot believe that today makes a year that I spent the last Fourth of July with 2 certain Elders! The Crown of Lady Liberty opened today after being closed in 2001 because of the 9/11 attack. I wished that I was back in NYC to go up in the Crown. I could only image how exciting and wonderful it has got to be! Tickets may not be $3 by the time I go there again! Lol-today is the FIRST time that I have really come to appreciate the 4th of July and what it means to be an American. I usually just treat it as another day, most people BBQ and drink/party but knowing that God blessed me with a job the day before today and knowing what today is. I feel really honored and blessed to be a US Citizen and knowing what the Statue of Liberty represents...it is more than freedom and Independence! Search deep within urself and u will see it is a lot more and it grows each and every year that ur alive to celebrate it! Happy 4th to all...