Blogging has become a major part of my life now, thanks to my friend, Rachel for bringing me on-board to this. I blog about almost every major exciting thing that happens in my life: the good, the bad, the depressing moments, the exciting moments, etc. It is a good way for me to become more expressive and communicate with the ones close to me! I share a B'day with Matt Damon, Kristanna Loken, Chevy Chase, Paul Hogan, and Sigourney Weaver.
R.I.P King of Pop

I Love You!!! You Will Be Missed!!
"God Blessed Me With Great Friends!!!" Here They Are:
- Aaron, Jeni, and Calyn Mangum
- Adam J. Fine
- Big B; Exquisite Rachel; Brave Braxton & Magnificant Madi
- Mike and Charity Haderlie
- Rebecca Fox
- Ryan Bailey
- Sierra & Trace Hellstrom
- Tay-Spence, Crystal, & Great Gavin
- Travis' Movie Reviews
- Travis, Janelle, and Baby T-Money Ty
- Zachy, Lisa,Outrageously Awesome Oliver, & Glamaruous Baby Girl Collins
About Me

- Dr. Travis White
- Metairie, Louisiana, United States
- I am a very down to Earth person who has a lot in life to be thankful for. I love meeting new people and making them laugh! I want to get a Ph.D in Clinical Pyschology and become a pyschologist.
"Best Film of 2008" In My Opinion!

"Best Film Of 2009" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2010" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2011" In My Opinion!

Blog Archive
- ▼ 2010 (186)
- ► 2011 (149)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Travis..Is Going...Back....
to school....I am going to get mah Masterz Degree in Counseling.. Travis White, M.Ed, LPC...That really does have a really nice ring 2 it...doesn't it? I really never stopped thinking about going back to school to further my education....I thought that I would just graduate with my Master's Degree and look for work, but I am noticing that a Bachelors Degree means nothing in this tough economy and I want my degrees, all of them that I achieve to mean something. So, I am going back to school and hopefully I can be that counselor that I have always dreamed of being because I want to help people and I want to be able to understand all techniques and just counsel people. My passion is helping people and I aim to do that and I will stop at nothing to achieve it! Bring it on!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Losing A Friend Sucks!! It Hurts!! It is HELL!!
I am NO stranger to losing friends, trust me on that. I would say that I have a lot of acquaintances rather than friends..I just call everyone mah friend because I do not like introducing people like, "Hi, this is an acquaint that I know." Sounds too professional! I have lost a lot of people in my life that I know God did NOT place in my life, but people whom I WANTED in my life. I found myself at times, trying to buy friendship and sacrifice what I wanted to do what these other so-called friends wanted, but in the end, I was left with nothing. If there is anything that I have learned over the past few years of my life is that friendship, true friendship has to be earned, not given, and they have to PROVE how much of a friend that they really are because looks can be deceiving...if you really want to know if some one is ur true friend, test them-
People in the world today love to take advantage of a weak person or taking advantage of a person's kindness...this is a tough world and I had to learn all of these lessons the hard way. True, I had to get burned, but that was the only way that I was going to learn, by making the mistakes, but I am correcting that now and this year as I summarize on the top of my blog page in red. NO longer will I beg for people's love and friendship, they will have to prove it to me, I will not longer run and chase after people. I ask God to place people in my life that He wants in it and NOT whom I want in it.
I, tonight deleted some one out of my life that I really thought was a true friend, he proved to me in January that he was not the friend that I thought that he was. Every time I was on Facebook and I was ready to remove him as my friend and the question popped up that asked, "Are you sure you want to remove _____ (the person's name) as your friend?" I stared at that question and never could do it until tonight. Yes, it hurt me really bad but I deleted him and I untagged him from all my photos and I just want him out of my life because I have not talked to him ever since January and that is just not how we were before..I will not share all of my business, but know that I am blogging this because I am upset, pissed off, hurting, and need to vent. I do not think, I KNOW that I made the correct decision, the other party may not think so and God may not even think so, but I will not second guess my decision....why do I always have to be the good person? Why do I have to be cursed with a kind heart and conscience? Why am I so good?
No more!! No more!! I just pray that God gives me the strength to get past this ordeal and move on because I have been affected by it & I am trying everyday to get stronger, but it is hard when you take someone to be your friend and then when you need them....they are not there for hurts and if anyone says differently-there are lying....
People in the world today love to take advantage of a weak person or taking advantage of a person's kindness...this is a tough world and I had to learn all of these lessons the hard way. True, I had to get burned, but that was the only way that I was going to learn, by making the mistakes, but I am correcting that now and this year as I summarize on the top of my blog page in red. NO longer will I beg for people's love and friendship, they will have to prove it to me, I will not longer run and chase after people. I ask God to place people in my life that He wants in it and NOT whom I want in it.
I, tonight deleted some one out of my life that I really thought was a true friend, he proved to me in January that he was not the friend that I thought that he was. Every time I was on Facebook and I was ready to remove him as my friend and the question popped up that asked, "Are you sure you want to remove _____ (the person's name) as your friend?" I stared at that question and never could do it until tonight. Yes, it hurt me really bad but I deleted him and I untagged him from all my photos and I just want him out of my life because I have not talked to him ever since January and that is just not how we were before..I will not share all of my business, but know that I am blogging this because I am upset, pissed off, hurting, and need to vent. I do not think, I KNOW that I made the correct decision, the other party may not think so and God may not even think so, but I will not second guess my decision....why do I always have to be the good person? Why do I have to be cursed with a kind heart and conscience? Why am I so good?
No more!! No more!! I just pray that God gives me the strength to get past this ordeal and move on because I have been affected by it & I am trying everyday to get stronger, but it is hard when you take someone to be your friend and then when you need them....they are not there for hurts and if anyone says differently-there are lying....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Running Away From--- "The Bounty Hunter!"
Monday, March 22, 2010
Need A Liver....Call "Repo Men..."

Great movie! Unbelievable! There was a twist! It was action packed..I mean it had a few slightly gory parts, but it had just the right type of action and it was not overzealous either. It was perfect! This is definitely a movie that EVERYONE needs to go out to the theaters and see! I am going to be buying this when it comes out on DVD! Jude Law and Forest Whitaker did a sensational job together! I hope in the future, they do not need to run a credit check for organs because nowadays they run credit for every damn thing ya know what I'm saying? Something to ponder about, eh?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Catastrophe Friday Night with Shawn, Les and Brian @ Clubs, Burbon Str., and Wal Mart for "New Moon" Midnight Release!
Well, first off we all were scheduled to see the new movie, "Repo Men" on Saturday because Friday Lester had a friend, whom was singing with his band at a club in the French Quarter and that was why we could not go and see the movie on Friday night so then all of a sudden Lester informs me that instead of seeing a movie this weekend, we will just go to the concert. I said okay. The music was no music that I had ever listened to before in my life!!! The lead singer was just singing like she was having an orgasm on stage! Lol! Unbelievable..I was standing there just playing Tic-Tac-Toe and texting random friends. Rude to do that? Sorta, I believe. After they finished playing, we went to the restaurant on Bourbon Str. to eat and then when we found out that we had to pay for parking, Brian refused so then we drove from there to Metairie and went to Don's Seafood, keeping in mind all the guys that I was with had a few drinks at the club and were getting tipsy...only two guys did NOT drink, me and Brian. So we arrived at this Seafood place and we ate and they all had drinks there too so we stayed there to prolong time to go to Wal-Mart because Lester wanted to get "New Moon" via DVD. So we arrived at Wal-Mart at about 11:30p.m. and we had 30 minutes to window shop til it was time to go get in line for the movie and was the line long as a line for unemployment! With only one register open! Geez! We aint get outta there til 12:45! You could tell people were Twilight Saga fans people could not shut up about Edward/Jacob/Bella, etc....all that! I mean I was not obsessed over any movie like these people! It was sad and funny at the same exact time, I tell you! After that, they dropped me off at home and I warmed them to be safe driving back to LaPlace....they texted me when they got home and was I happy! I am so glad that I do not drink, and they all tried ganging up on me and forcing me to try it, but I aint cave in cuz I am not drawn to that sort of thing! I was proud of myself, but the night was DYNAMITE for them and just average for me....if I can say that...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Blackout Experience
I was just ironing my clothes at about 11:30P.M. & all of a sudden, the electricity just went out and the entire house was black and dark/I mean blacker than normal, most likely because all the lights on the entire block was out...I hated that and I hoped that the power would be restored shortly. Thanks gosh I had my cell all charged up because I really needed some light to see where I was going so that I did not hit my toe on anything, etc. The power came back on at about Midnight, so it was not that long! I was so glad because it was starting to get really hot inside my home!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Matt Damon's "Green Zone!"

I assumed the WRONG thing when selecting this particular film....I had to question mahself, "was I seeing this movie because I love Matt Damon films?" or "was I seeing this movie because it looked good?" I think it is a little bit of both because the preview looked amazing, but they only showed the best parts, which again, is the point of a damn preview! I so so pissed off, for real! I really wanted to get into this movie but it was about Iraq and soldiers and I cannot get into them kind of movies at all! I mean, some parts I was ALIVE and other parts I was dead in and drifting off 2 sleep and that is never ever a good thing! It sucked badly! It had a good storyline and Matt Damon did an incredible job yelling and fighting everyone! Lol! If this had been a Bourne movie, o how I would have loved it so very much.....
Saturday, March 13, 2010
"Our Family Wedding" Movie Premiere

This was a really funny movie! I was laughing hysterically! This movie had a good cast and Forest Whitaker and Regina King really played their parts! Having a black and Mexican wedding is a hot mess esp. for the two families! Lol! There was more Spanish conversations/scenes more than English speaking! I will definitely use the subtitles when I buy it on DVD or try to learn Spanish again! Lol! This movie could have been better, ut do not get me wrong! It was good! Not great, but they did have a ton of comedy portions installed in it!! And the really funny part is that the main house in California that the Mexican family lived in was the same house used in the TV Show, Charmed and at times, I did in fact see the Charmed Ones house! OMG! I was getting too excited!!
The #1 Travis Meets NFL #58 Saints Linebacker Scott Shanle

Today!! Today, wow! Today was a momentous day in history for me because I have never in all of my 28 years of being alive have I ever got a personalized autograph from anyone and today I go to take two pictures with the Saints Linebacker, Scott Shanle! He was at Anytime Fitness Gym in Metairie & when I went up to him to ask him to sighn a few things for me and to take pics he just said yea like we had been friends for a lifetime! I love people like that and not all stuck up and trying to be more than what they are and letting a little taste of fame ruin them! That is a quality I wish a lot of people have...The hell with all the limos and bodyguards! No one needs all that unless they want to show off and as you can see form the picture, he was dressed in normal clothing! I wanted to wear something to represent the Saints so I wore my lil Superbowl shirt! Lol....if I ever get the opportunity to meet a Hollywood movie star...I literally will be at a loss for words! Scott autographed my College Degree Frame (I was so excited I forgot to tell him to write "To Travis" so I wrote that part) I would talk and talk and they would walk and walk!! HaHa! I am so blessed to have talked to him and got his autograph! Thank Scott!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Jacob Recieves His FedEx Package Today!
Since Mardi Gras season has ended here in Louisiana on Feb. 16th, 2010...everything I was catching at the parades INCLUDING Fat Tuesday..I was catching for a friend of mine in Arizona, Jacob and his family! He finally received the package today and I told him NOT to open the package up until he called me! Even though he had seen everything that I was going to send to him via Facebook! Lol! I just love doing things (nice things) for people that are worthy of me doing kind gestures for him! I was in the freezing cold some nights to catch beads, dablooms, cups, etc. I did it because he is my friend and I love parades mahself! It warmed mah heart when he got excited as he emptied out the box that I shipped to him! I was anxiously tracking the package more than him I think because he wanted it so badly! :)
In short, I am glad that I was able to catch everything he requested that I catch for him, I only regret not getting that Pimp bead for him!! Lol :(
In short, I am glad that I was able to catch everything he requested that I catch for him, I only regret not getting that Pimp bead for him!! Lol :(
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I'm Going To Get A Linebacker's Autograph & Picture With...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
How I LOVE...."The 2010 Oscars!!"

I was watching the Oscars for 7:30-11PM! I have never known that the Oscars to be this long! Last year, it was not this long at all...they intentionally keep you watching because they know that categories that people care about is the Lead Actor/Actress and Best Picture. I am interested in those categories as well as Best Supporting Actress and Actor and Best Directing. All the other categories I could care less about and when I saw all my celebs on the Red Carpet, oh, how I wanted to be there just to talk to them or tell them how much I love them, etc. I need to get into acting because I am soooo passionate about movies. I know there are people in the world that are more passionate than me about movies, but I think I can outrank them! Lol...out of the 6 categories I have listed above, Mo'Nique won Best Supporting Actress and Sandra Bullock won Best Lead Actress...I wanted those 2 ladies to win and they did, all the other ones I had my fingers crossed for did not win, but I still love them and they are great!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Brooklyn's Finest NYPD

I really enjoyed this movie! It had all the great elements in it: Sex. Suspense. Action. Drama. Killing. Drugs. Gangstas. Geez! The perfect combination! I love love love love love movies like this! The killing was not gory in it, but it may have been sudden to the movie watchers int he theater, but not to me because I tired so hard not to laugh at certain parts and to get all calm and relaxed because the moment I would, people would have died & it would have gotten me off guard! I am so serious when I say that seconds before people died, I had premonitions that they were about to get shot and BOOM! THEY DAMN WELL DID! It was so cool to get those feelings and to actually have it happen! This movie was not mind-blowing, but it was cool and very suspenseful! Action-packed!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Series Finale of McNamara/Troy 'BKA' Nip/Tuck

I hated that on today the FINAL and LAST episode of my show I have been watching ever since 2004! I loved this show and was so pissed off to see it end! I have been watching this show from its conception! I always loved it and the surgeries that went on during each episode and certain characters bought flare and spice to it to show! It definitely was a hit drama and hot! I really do not know why it had to go off the air! It bought back the bad memories of when mah show, Chamred went of the air! So many good shows are going off the air...the economy is screwing up with my Entertainment enjoyment! I loved the show and own all the season on DVD! I shall miss you Nip/Tuck!
Monday, March 1, 2010
"Cop Out" Movie Monday

I thought that this movie was going to be great and "all that" or "the bomb" simply because Tracy Morgan starred in it and no matter what film he stars in he is funny! No doubt that he was FUNNY in this movie-but I was not laughing hysterically like I was supposed to! Lol! I only LOL @ one part during the entire 2-hour film! ONCE! I was so glad that I decided to see the movie on a weekday for $5 instead of $10 on a Friday night or Opening Weekend! OMG! This film was awful and I was waiting for it to be over! I was really very disappointed in it! But you have to take the risk to see a movie after you see a preview in order to determine if it will be a flop or not!
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