On Christmas Eve, I got the ultimate best Christmas present that I could ever want and it is priceless…it was to see my best Family. The Bybees’ (Rachel, Brady, and their two terrific and funny kids, Braxton and Rachel). I always knew they would be in Louisiana for Christmas this year-but was not certain if I was gonna see them or not….come to find out that I worked it out where I could meet them on today. I drove over to the Mall & I caught up with them. I cannot tell you the expression I had on my face when I saw them, I wanted to be like a kid all over again and hug them and squeeze every last one of them so tight, but I composed myself and did an ordinary greeting and did not go overboard, but when Brady saw the gifts that I got for his kids, he told me that I tried to outdo Santa! Lol! That’s Brady for ‘ya!
Braxton and I played some games in the Arcade Room in the Mall and he can talk! Man, I was so shocked that his speech is off the charts! He was telling me about Tangled, and how he wants to see Cars 2 and Yogi Bear, how he is doing in school! People use to tell me I talk a lot. Me and Brax have that in common! He is like I have always said; a very intelligent lil guy and I live him to death. His younger sister, Madison is just like him-but when she talks she says the coolest things just like him (found out Madi glows when she see clothes and she was saying she wanted to wear what I got her—adorable, eh?)....Brax and Madi are like Red Beans and Rice! They are definitely related! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! I swear!
So all of us talked and grabbed a bite to eat and then played some games and Brax and I shot the guns at each other for pretend and he won some tickets and got some cool lil kid prizes and he chose money and he gave me a fake $100 bill and said, “Travis, this is for you-I ripped it off just for you!” How cool is this boy?”
It was great seeing all of them and I am so blessed to have them in my life! I love them all and there is not anything that I would not do for each and every one of them! I LOVE the Bybees’!!!

Gift From Rachel!! Cookies!!

.....so he tried again and got all THREE OF US!.....

If Brady does not succeed at first he tries again.....

Officer Braxton!!!

Me with the Greatest Kids Ever!!!

Braxton's Angles...Adios Charlie!! LOL

Just The Boyz!!!

Madi Wants To Roam Paris, France! Parlez-Vous!!

Brax About To Open My Gift!!