Blogging has become a major part of my life now, thanks to my friend, Rachel for bringing me on-board to this. I blog about almost every major exciting thing that happens in my life: the good, the bad, the depressing moments, the exciting moments, etc. It is a good way for me to become more expressive and communicate with the ones close to me! I share a B'day with Matt Damon, Kristanna Loken, Chevy Chase, Paul Hogan, and Sigourney Weaver.
R.I.P King of Pop

I Love You!!! You Will Be Missed!!
"God Blessed Me With Great Friends!!!" Here They Are:
- Aaron, Jeni, and Calyn Mangum
- Adam J. Fine
- Big B; Exquisite Rachel; Brave Braxton & Magnificant Madi
- Mike and Charity Haderlie
- Rebecca Fox
- Ryan Bailey
- Sierra & Trace Hellstrom
- Tay-Spence, Crystal, & Great Gavin
- Travis' Movie Reviews
- Travis, Janelle, and Baby T-Money Ty
- Zachy, Lisa,Outrageously Awesome Oliver, & Glamaruous Baby Girl Collins
About Me

- Dr. Travis White
- Metairie, Louisiana, United States
- I am a very down to Earth person who has a lot in life to be thankful for. I love meeting new people and making them laugh! I want to get a Ph.D in Clinical Pyschology and become a pyschologist.
"Best Film of 2008" In My Opinion!

"Best Film Of 2009" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2010" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2011" In My Opinion!

Blog Archive
- ► 2010 (186)
- ▼ 2011 (149)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Vin, Paul, Michelle, Ludacris, & The Rock R "Fast Five" Premiere

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Filming "Freelancers" With 50 Cent & Forest Whitaker!!! O yea!!!
I filmed with Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson and Academy Award Winner Forest Whitaker today on the new Crime/Thriller, Freelancers. Both actors were very nice and mingled with the extras and the fans in the area that we filmed at. Also, 50 Cent took pics with kids and gave them each 1 $10 bill afterwards. Talk about cool and very generous! At one point, a lady handed him an infant and then ran off and he replied, "Whose baby is this?" Kissed the baby on the cheek and then handed the infant to another relative! Lol! Everyone loved Forest and was telling him that they see all of his movie and him on CBS' Criminal Minds! The scenes that we filmed today was action ones. One scene had all the extras in an area and just pretending look busy like walking down the street, talking on the corner, talking on a cell phone, etc. while 50 and Forest tried to stop two girls from breaking and entering into an abandoned building. The other scene we shot was the best because it was a girl being ran over by a bus. The main Latin actress started it odd by running from the playground nearby and running into the street away from 50 Cent and she gets hit by the bus and Forest comes up in the cop car and tells him to leave her there and hop in and those were the only scenes that we filmed today. We filmed from 6am-6pm. It was fun and very exciting. The other two Latin girls were stunt doubles/stand-ins and there even had a Latin dummy doll...how they will piece it all together should be interesting, but it was great to see something like that happen because I have always found the stunts in movies very exciting! And that was my day on Freelancers!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Filming "21 Jump Street" feat. Channing Tatum & Jonah Hill!
Today marks the first day of principle production on Sony's "21 Jump Street" and I had the opportunity to meet with Actors Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill today. I was used for a tiny scene but was not seen so I will have another opportunity to film and be seen. No worries about that. When I saw Channing I ran right up to him and told him that I hope he has a very Happy Birthday tomorrow (4/26) which is his real birthday & he was so grateful that I told him that he kept telling em that he appreciated that! Next, I had asked him for a photos and be obliged and we took not only one but two! He was so cool and willing to take the photos with me! He is a very nice and down to Earth person. Later on during the day I spotted Jonah Hill and I asked him for a photo and he said yes, of course. I told him that I was tweeting on on Twitter and he said that he recalled all my messages! Amazing, huh? The tiny scene that I was filming was pretending to talk to a cop partner of mine and then going into our separate cars and we did that for 10 times straight. But for the rest of the time...I was chilling in Extras Holding. I do not consider the day a complete loss because I got pics with the two lead actors, talked to them, and they were cool so I am so happy right now! :)
Friday, April 22, 2011
Tanya, Sabrina, and I See "Madea's Big Happy Family" Gets Loose & Crazy!
I saw this movie movie tonight with a mother and daughter that are close to me. We laughed at this movie and had a great night! In all honesty, I think that Tyler did not put his all into this movie. It was good-but not his greatest work. Madea was not in the movie that much, but the sections that she was-I laughed my butt off! And Bam was pretty funny in the movie as well…I laughed at almost everything she said and did in the movie! Joe was funny as usual and the ending was a huge funny shocker! Unbelievable! I was really looking forward to laughing the entire movie, but I did not & was very disappointed. As a whole, the movie was good-NOT GREAT as I said earlier. Tyler Perry is a great actor as Madea, but when he plays himself, he just does not have that spark and this was like an ordinary plain low-budget movie and it hurts me to rate it a very high rating and I would be definitely shocked if it came in the Weekend Box Office at #1! If it does, I am happy for him, but if not-movie critics share my opinions about the film. I just cannot get over the fact that this movie was so plain and had no umph to it like his other 9 previous films.

Monday, April 18, 2011
My FIRST Day Filming-"Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter"
We filmed in City Park of New Orleans, La. and we were dressed in such small and tight clothing and it was all wool and we were sweating our butts off to death. We were filming from 6am up until 7PM! There was some slight breeze for part of the day but it was a hot one. Wearing all wool in the South in April? What were they thinking! Everyone was complaining of how hot it was and all the standing we had to do, but the crew told us that would happen so we could not react to it because we were well prepared. I got a chance to meet Anthony Mackie and Mary E. Winstead and Benjamin Walker. They looked old but they had to to be Abe Lincoln and Winstead plays his wife in the movie and Mackie is Abe's right hand man. Pics were not allowed because the production does not want pics getting out before the film is released but you know people will take pics on the sly and we did! It is just a habit! All in all, the shot went great and I had a wonderful time! I was thinking about movies such as old Country Westerns, Titanic because of how the girls hair was, The Color Purple, Roots, all those old classics and Walker Texas Ranger! I was literally brought back to Earth when I was wearing my own clothes! I felt like I was dressed to pick cotton, be a slave, no segregation, etc! Oh man!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
How I Feel About Cage's Arrest Today!

Friday, April 15, 2011
What's Your Faviorte Scary Movie? "Scream IV" 2'Night!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Take Three on Filming "Medallion" w/Boston Legal's Mark Valley and Actor Garrett Hines!!
Well, on set today (Apr. 13), I filmed with the actors Nick Cage and Mark Valley and New Orleans local actor, Garrett Hines. Garrett and Mark are two FBI Agents chasing down Cage in the French Quarter because he is trying to find his missing daughter through all the chaos of Mardi Gras Partiers and that was the entire scene that we were filming from 6am utnil 7PM! Yup, we were filming all day on that day. When we broke for lunch, that is when I asked Mark Valley for a photo and he said sure and I told him that I had just watched him on Law and Order: SVU in the episode 'Paternity" from Season 9 and he told me that was a long time ago! I told him not for me because I saw it just last week! He chuckled at me-then I went to ask Garrett for a picture and he said yes! Me and Garrett are now Facebook friends and we are keeping in touch! So if we both make it big-we can say we were in the movie business together! :) All day we filmed the same scenes. Nick Cage is in a cop's bar and the two FBI agents recognize him and as he steps put of the bar to take a call he runs through the crowd (all the extras) to find someone as the FBI agents try to catch him. The camera was zooming in on the extras partying in the streets and just walking around the area looking busy! It was very intense because the Director told us to look like we were drunk, throwing beads, etc. Typical NOLA behavior for Mardi Gras! After a few hours, we switched positions and some of us had to get on the 2nd floor balcony of a building and dance and talk, smoke and throw beads to the people on the first floor-just like a typical party day in the Quarter. A lot of tourists were around the area and saw Nick and asked him for pictures, and of course, he obliged. That is just the type of person that he is. I was moved closer to Nick the whole day. The Director kept me close to Nick. I do not know if he planned on doing that or what because I was not going to question it because I will be seen a lot in the film if I am around Nick and he is the star! I just behave so calmly when I see/film with the celebs...I stare at them because I cannot believe that I am filming a movie with a legendary actor, but I am and it is great and that is how filming went. I was also told that Malin Akerman wrapped her scenes on the 11th and she flew out the morning that I was set to film. I was sad by that because I would have loved the chance to meet and talk with her because other friends of mine who had the opportunity tow work with her said that she was so strikingly beautiful and kind. In conclusion, filming today was great and very exhausting! I "fake partied" so much that I was so tired I could not walk. I was tired to stand, wherever I could lean on a Medallion taxicab I did, I was completely drained and I now understand why celebs want to get off the set in those nice black Escalades and go and have a nice relaxing time wherever they want to go! Lol
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Filming Memphis Beat: Season #2
I just had a very short scene to full fill this morning. I arrived onto the set at 6AM and was there until 11:30 and then I was wrapped. I am so glad I was not there a long time, but I did not expect for it to be that short! All I had to do was stand at the corner with some friends pretending to drink and have fun when all of a sudden we notice a cop cop going 110MPH and just to react to it. Of course,t here was a real taxi cab that was coming into the scene was the cop car was fast approaching and it was not supposed to be there because the streets were not properly blocked and they almost ran into each other and I was like: "Dang, now that is a reaction to react to for real instead of fake acting to an invisible car like we were supposed to do!" Lol. That was my scene and we shot it like 6 times form different angles and they covered up the New Orleans street signs and made all the cars with Memphis license plates since the show is called "Memphis Beat!" I managed to get a pic with Actor DJ Qualls form "Road Trip" and other movies that he has filmed . Lucky me! He was funny!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Costume Fitting Day!

I finally got booked to be on ALVH movie & today I had a costume fitting because t his movie is set in the early 1600's and we have to wear those old old old old old clothes like in BC times! Lol! The people who fitted me were very funny and really nice! I wish that all people were kind like that: the casting agents, people in wardrobe, etc because so many people here in the South have attitude problems so badly! I was dressed in all wool clothing and man it was hot and to b filming outside in the South in the hot weather, oh I am not looking forward to filming! But I am excited though!
Friday, April 8, 2011
What's Up With "Arthur" Opening Night

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
On The "Medallion" Set Again: TAKE TWO with Only Nicolas Cage
April 5th, 2011 marks my second time filming on the set of Nicolas Cage’s upcoming action film, Medallion. Swedish native, actress, and model, Malin Akerman’s first day of filming began on the 4th because a few friends of mine were filming with both her and Nicolas on the New Orleans ferry and got a chance to meet and talk with her briefly and told me about it. I really wished she had been filming with me on the 5th, but maybe another day because I am a huge fan of hers and I loved her in movies such as The Proposal, The Heartbreak Kid, and Couples Retreat. My call time was 8AM, but I arrived there at 7:30AM. Check in was at the Union Passenger Station (Greyhound/AMTrak Terminals). My role was a Mardi Gras Partier, but things change and all on that day I was a Medallion Cab Driver, tourist, and Mardi Gras Partier! I learned in this business, extras are always changing roles! Lol. Filming began at 9:20 and first I was given the direction to go into the bus station as a tourist, then the Assistant Director took my luggage and told me to hop into the cab and pretend to be a cab driver. I said okay, its no problem and got into the Driver’s set of the taxi. There was a lady in the backseat with luggage who was in the cab as well who of course had to get out and walk into the station on action. At the corner of my eye, I saw Nick and he had to run from the street into the bus station and as he was doing that the camera on wheels focused in on him running and captured me sitting in the cab. It was a quick shot on me, but it was still on me. Amazing! Next, there were some scenes where Nick was running towards the train trying to search for someone or something. I’m not sure, but all the extras were given direction to board the train, just talk by the train, exit the train, etc. The Assistant Director told me something again, he said as soon as I see Nick get off the train, to get on and to pretend that I heard the final boarding call and like I was going to miss the train. It was about 4 or 5 of us to had to run to the train doors and board, but I was the only one who had a cue to wait until I see Nick get off and run. As soon as I saw him get off, I ran to be beside him so I could be in the quick scene again and hopped on the train and then I was out of sight. We shot that scene about 10 times and I was happy to do it. While the 4 or 5 extras were rehearsing that scene, I saw Nick resting in a Sleeping Car on the train and I waved to him and he smiled and waved back. While we reset for that scene in between takes, I yelled to him, “Nick, you are doing great!” And he looked at me and gave me thumbs up!” Too cool! Later, there was another scene where Nick was running into the terminal and screaming at a saleslady at a cell phone kiosk because he needed a phone and the action of the extras were to just pretend to make calls on payphones and their own cells, to look busy, and make the terminal looked crowded and busy as a terminal should be. Lastly, there was a bus scene but I was not in it. My day of filming was wrapped at 7PM, but a select few of extras had to stay and film the bus scene with Nick. In short, I had a great time filming and I already got a picture with Nick. It was great to see him again and work with him. He is truly a down to Earth cool person!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Identifying What The "Source Code" Is Tonight!

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