Filmed With James Marsden

Filmed With Eric Stonestreet

Filmed With Wentworth Miller

Fimled With Matthias S. (he has a tough last name)
The second day in a row that I filmed was much better and more exciting, but long as hell! I worked from 3:45PM on Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 to Wednesday, June 8th @ was wrapped at 3:10AM. The only two actors whom were working that late was Wentworth Miller and Eric Stonestreet! I had an earlier office scene with Eric Stonestreet around 6ish. It was a very fun scene. We just had to pretend that we were working at out individual desks as the boss leaves the office. We did that scene about 10 times and it was fun because I was acting up looking crazy busy! Lol! We were filming on Tulane University's campus. After that, the wardrobe people made me a NYPD Detective and I was sitting around in Extras Holding for a number of hours until they needed people. They were requesting 5 and 6 people by the hour it seemed like. They had snacks but of course, it was nothing too extravagant. The crew and the Actors get the best of everything and the Extras just get the scraps and get treated like crap and I do not like it at all because if it was not for the EXTRAS---movies could not be made and that is a true FACT! My encounter with Wentworth Miller was when the shuttle bus dropped us off, he was getting on-I did not speak to him then. But once we headed back to Holding for lunch at Midnight...yup, I said 12am, I literally chilled outside because I knew that Marsden and Miller had to pass me by to get up to set and I shook their hands and introduced myself and told them I liked their work in certain movies/TV Shows and they were nice and kind about it! Another think that I hate is how the crew does not want anyone to talk to the Actors! That is a bunch of BS that I have ever heard in my life! THE RULES ARE SO RIDICULOUS! All in all, it was a great day of filming-it just went on too dang on long!