Lance and I

Leaning over so Lance could get the SLC Temple and me in the same picture! But I look crazy...
I have never posted these pictures before because I have never had a blog and now I want to post these! These are photos that I took with my best friend, Lance whom lives in St. George, Utah. I have been visiting Utah every Summer for the past 4 or 5 years in a row because I know so many return missionaries who served missions in Louisiana and I kept in touch with them and that is THE main reason I go out there and because I hate the South and want a change in scenery! :)
He drove all the way down from St. George to Orem to spend the entire day with me. Eye will always be greteful to him for doing that just for me and now Lance is someone whom I can call a real and true friend! Till da end!
While I was with Lance-we met up with Andrew who lives in Salt Lake City and Andrew is one of the FIRST missionaries that ever encountered! Later on that day I went bowling with Zachary 'AKA' Zach & he showed me that he is s master bowler!! :)
And seeing snow and being in a place that has no humidity is WONDERFUL!
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