Blogging has become a major part of my life now, thanks to my friend, Rachel for bringing me on-board to this. I blog about almost every major exciting thing that happens in my life: the good, the bad, the depressing moments, the exciting moments, etc. It is a good way for me to become more expressive and communicate with the ones close to me! I share a B'day with Matt Damon, Kristanna Loken, Chevy Chase, Paul Hogan, and Sigourney Weaver.
R.I.P King of Pop

I Love You!!! You Will Be Missed!!
"God Blessed Me With Great Friends!!!" Here They Are:
- Aaron, Jeni, and Calyn Mangum
- Adam J. Fine
- Big B; Exquisite Rachel; Brave Braxton & Magnificant Madi
- Mike and Charity Haderlie
- Rebecca Fox
- Ryan Bailey
- Sierra & Trace Hellstrom
- Tay-Spence, Crystal, & Great Gavin
- Travis' Movie Reviews
- Travis, Janelle, and Baby T-Money Ty
- Zachy, Lisa,Outrageously Awesome Oliver, & Glamaruous Baby Girl Collins
About Me

- Dr. Travis White
- Metairie, Louisiana, United States
- I am a very down to Earth person who has a lot in life to be thankful for. I love meeting new people and making them laugh! I want to get a Ph.D in Clinical Pyschology and become a pyschologist.
"Best Film of 2008" In My Opinion!

"Best Film Of 2009" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2010" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2011" In My Opinion!

Blog Archive
- ► 2010 (186)
- ► 2011 (149)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Job Interview @ Hollister
Basically it was a group interview of about 5 people and myself included. Hollister is a dumb place to work-the other 4 people there ere between the ages of 16 and 18 and I felt so out of place there because the economy placed me there because there is a hiring freeze almost everyplace. Hollister only wants u to wear their clothes and certain colors, etc. I would have to share my mustache off-even though I keep it trimmed n e ways to work there. That place is just full of bull and I would not want to be affiliated with them at all!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Jeremy FINALLY Called Me!
I have been hoping, wish, praying, all of the above that this mission airy who meant a lot to me and got me connected back with he Church would keep in touch and call me and last night he finally did, after 3 long months has past, he finally called me and it made my day! It really did! I was so happy to talk to him! U have no idea! I just hate when people lose base with me-especially a person who has a had a great impact on my life as he did! I am happy now!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saying Goodbye to Legends!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Dreadful Transfer Calls Night!
Well yesterday was actually transfer call day for the missionaries and there were a few good ones that had to move on to other areas within Louisiana and I am sad about that! I am glad that Elder Stone did not leave Kenner! I am not too sad that Elder Metcalf is leaving because he is getting transferred to the Westbank, which is not far for me to drive to at all compared to all the other places that are far distances away. Elders Jensen and Jensen are coming back to my area and will be serving together. It will be good to see them again! I just hate getting connected and attached to them and they leave-but when they go back home-we get back in close contact with each other. It is a crucial part of life, but it is late and I am getting very sleepy. I wish them all the best of luck in their new areas! Love them all! Have a strong foundation and testimony of missionary work!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Job Leads: Hollywood Video, Wal-Mart, Delta Airlines, and Hilton Hotel

Well, for the duration of these last 2 weeks, I have been applying for tons of different jobs and I will admit, I was being picky saying that now that I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and a minor in Hotel, Restaurant,and Tourism Administration from a 4-year University and jobs are really hard to come by now, I did NOT and totally REFUSED to work at places like Blockbuster, video rental stores, grocery stores, dollar stores/fast food places, u know -small jobs for kids still in high school or going to College and not looking to better themselves, but I see now that these places are the only places that are hiring and so I stepped out of my high horse and applied for a job @ Hollywood Video because I love movies! I would not be okay doing that job-but the paycheck is the key! I have a friend who works for Wal-Mart and she told me that she could get me on so I went to a local Wal-Mart and filled out the application on there Career Center for a HR position/Supervisor, etc. and it was 45 minutes to complete the application and it was a 72 question Questionnaire placing me in all these difficult situations and asking what I would or would not do and it is had for me to pass test like that so I took it and at the end, it told me that I passed! I was so overjoyed! I was extremely happy for myself because I KNOW THAT college prepared ME to answer those well-thought out questions. I was thrilled for myself because I had the mindset to answer those questions. My education is very valuable to me and I want the chance to use it n e where and with n e and every Company that I work for. That is y I went to College! As far as Delta Airlines goes-all I did was a telephone interview and passed that, but Delta has no set places for face-to-face meetings in New Orleans so I keep calling them periodically to check. Since I could not get on at the Roosevelt Hotel, I applied for a few positions at the Hilton Hotel and I called there last week and the lady told me to give them a week and then call back. I am hoping that 1 of these four jobs open up for me!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
2009 New Orleans Louisiana Stake Conference

Well, I picked up my usual four missionaries for Stake Conference this evening at about 4:45ish, but conference did not begin until 6pm and it was from 6:00-8pm. Yes, a full 2 hours with 8 different speakers. It was good to see all the people from the Stake all gathered around and it was good to see some familiar faces there including missionaries that I have not seen for a few months or weeks.
After Stake Conference was over-everyone ran up to other people and caught up and reminisced about the good old days. The centered there around the meeting today was about Temples and I have a very strong and firm testimony about Temples. I rarely get to go to the Temple and I wanted to cry so hard during conference when all the talks were about Temples and how precious and wonderful they are!
After the big and huge crowd died down, the majority of the Elders met @ Taco Bell and ate and chilled there and then we left at about 9:20pm & me along with the 4 missionaries that I gave a ride to headed back to our side, Metairie! All n all, I loved the testimonies that were born about Temples and the importance of Temples and when I do get the chance to go to Temples-I feel so great! They truly are "The House of the Lord!"
The picture of this Salt Lake City Temple in this posting, I had the honor of going in there to do baptisms for the dead while on my trip to Utah a while ago along with others! If I lived in Utah or n e other state, I would b in the Temple, if not at home or work! I LOVE Temples so much!
Friday, June 19, 2009
AMC Theater Movie Prices Escalated!
I was in line to purchase my ticket to see "The Proposal" for tonight and the girl told me $10.00! I was like,"isn't the price $9.50?" She was like , well the price changed and went into effect this morning actually! I was like holy crap! Then she went on to tell me that the Monday-Thursday prices all day went up from $4.75 to $5.00
Then if u see a movie on a Friday-Sunday between 9am-3:55pm-it costs $7.25 and after 4pm- and even $10.00!! IMAX movie prices are already expensive and I can only bet how much they have gone up! I am so glad that I experienced Night at the Museum 2 in IMAX, because it will be the last time I ever go up in there-with or without a damn job! This is so ridiculous! I mean, now the economy is is taking entertainment away from us. I hate to say this-but if prices on things keep going up, I am so terrified that people will resort to deviant behavior and crimes will b committed in order to have what they once loved, but cannot afford anymore due to the drastic change in the economy!!!
Then if u see a movie on a Friday-Sunday between 9am-3:55pm-it costs $7.25 and after 4pm- and even $10.00!! IMAX movie prices are already expensive and I can only bet how much they have gone up! I am so glad that I experienced Night at the Museum 2 in IMAX, because it will be the last time I ever go up in there-with or without a damn job! This is so ridiculous! I mean, now the economy is is taking entertainment away from us. I hate to say this-but if prices on things keep going up, I am so terrified that people will resort to deviant behavior and crimes will b committed in order to have what they once loved, but cannot afford anymore due to the drastic change in the economy!!!
"The Proposal"-Opening Night Friday!

In short, this was a really great movie! I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this movie can be classified as a romantic comedy! It had all the elements that a movie of this particular genre should have: great laughs, comedy, a lil romance, a lil seriousness. It was perfect! Absolutely perfecto! It was a hit! I loved each and every moment of it! I never wanted it to stop! I very rarely get excited over movies, but this is a must see! One that I will see over and over and over again! I loved it! I loved it! I cannot stress it enough! Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds work great together! I should go to Hollywood to see if I can land a job as a movie critic r something, seriously! What y'all think? HaHa!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
A $abbath Day Full of $weat & $ervice w/ Elders $tone, Metcalf, Hermasen, & $yme
$o, this is the absolute perfect title for this blog because since I live directly right down the street from these four missionaries, they call on me all the time for rides every and n e place because here in Kenner where they are serving-they are on bikes and I have a car so that is a common sense thing right there! Lol
$o after Church today, I drove them all home and then Elders Metcalf and $tone had a dinner appointment at the Bishop's house and asked me for a ride because they did not want to bike in all the heat all the way from Metairie to almost near the Airport and that is a long bike ride! Trust me! So I offered to drive them and in return, I told the other companionship (Hermasen and Syme) that I will go on exchanges with them until Elders $tone and Metcalf were ready to b picked up from the Bishops' home.
$o, I did just that and once they were all back in the car, I dropped them off at their apartment and we said good night to each other! I LOVE service! I have a really STRONG AND FIRM AND COLLOSIAL testimony of service and it makes me feel so good when I am able to help people out in n e way that I can if it is in my power!
$o after Church today, I drove them all home and then Elders Metcalf and $tone had a dinner appointment at the Bishop's house and asked me for a ride because they did not want to bike in all the heat all the way from Metairie to almost near the Airport and that is a long bike ride! Trust me! So I offered to drive them and in return, I told the other companionship (Hermasen and Syme) that I will go on exchanges with them until Elders $tone and Metcalf were ready to b picked up from the Bishops' home.
$o, I did just that and once they were all back in the car, I dropped them off at their apartment and we said good night to each other! I LOVE service! I have a really STRONG AND FIRM AND COLLOSIAL testimony of service and it makes me feel so good when I am able to help people out in n e way that I can if it is in my power!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
"The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3" Was Half Funny & Half Sucked

Whew! Where can I begin with this movie? I was going all into it expecting it to be a great thriller and action film-but I was disappointed in it as usual with a lot of other movies that r coming to my mind as I am typing in this blog entry!
This movie had a really good story line that that of "Red Eye" or "Passenger 57"...ya know hijacking movies-but the acting was okay on Denzel's part in this movie, but John Travolta's acting was extraordinary.. He really made me LOL! I mean, I have basically the same opinions with horror movies-
They r just that scary-maybe I should switch to seeing them during the day because at night just ain't working for me. Overall, this movie I saw on Friday night-sucked BIG TIME and I was pissed about it!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Telephone Interview With Delta Airlines Today....Is The Economy Picking Up Slightly???

Wow! Unbelievable! My friend, Tammy called me up yesterday and gave me a website 4 Delta Airlines and said that she had heard that they were hiring and that I should look into it and I did and they called me back today and interviewed me on the telephone and I passed!
Next, the representative told me that the next step for me is to schedule a face to face interview, but they did not not know where or when that would take place so she instructed me to give them a week and wait to hear back and if I do not hear n e thing at all to give them a call back and follow up!
I never dreamed in all my life to be working for an airline! I mean, I see all the time when I travel how baggage handlers mishandle other people's luggage and it is so messed up and I always say to myself, "I wish I could show them how to do it!" And look what happens years later, I may be doing that same job!
I was so happy when she told me that I could get FREE flights n e where! Man, I love to travel and it was just a little while ago that I was saying I wanted to go to London and do some International traveling and look how this falls in my lap. I do not have the position as of yer-but if I do get it! I will b happy to be working again after all this time!
One of the job requirements is that I pass an Agility Test and be able to lift 70lbs. That is were I am a little concerned at because I do not work out at all, but if I do not get the job because of that-it will be okay because I will still look and be determined to find a job in this rough economy!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
"The Hangover" was EXCELLENT!!!

This movie was a really good comedy movie! I was LOL non-stop from start to finish! Y'all this movie was freakin' funny as hell! I can see it over and over and over again! I love moveis that can make me laugh-this was a 100% movie like that.....
What happens in Vegas could not stay in Vegas in this movie..HaHa! I have no more to say about this movie-except Well Done! I loved this movie! So far, this was the best comedy of 2009!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Baby Gavin Mark Spencer Arrives for Crystal & Tay!

It has been Baby Hectic Central for the last 2 months-all mah friends are texting and calling me telling me their children have been born! I am so happy for each and every couple. I feel blessed to know that my friends are considerate to tell me their updates n when their sons/daughters are born. I have been wanting Crystal and Taylor to have a kid for the longest time and I am glad that that has come and it was today-at 4am?!?!?! Whoa! They will really make cool parents-they will even be cooler if they fed their baby fried chicken, gumbo and Jambalaya for dinner! That would fatten him up! The parents love it so he ill too! HaHa! Congrats to Crystal and Taylor!! Love y'all!!
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