This was a great and modest win for the New Orleans $aints!!! Drew Brees was the best player! He deserved MVP because he really did an outstanding job! I cannot believe the score: 31-17!! Damn!! When Payton Manning threw the ball and it was intercepted and we scored that touchdown....that was when the game was all over even thought the time was not out yet! I just cannot believe that the NOLA Saints are the 2010 Superbowl Champions! It took them so many years to get this far and I am so proud of them and I am looking forward to the parade this upcoming Tuesday evening! I have no idea how long the celebrations will go on for in Louisiana, but with MARDI GRAS COMING HERE IN A WEEK-IT IS BOUND TO GET A LIL BIT INTENSE HERE!! I mean, I need to think about my safety because it can be a bit rough around these parts and you never know what can happen...people get carried away over the little things and the Saints winning is a very huge deal and once again I am proud of my Black and Gold winning the 2010 Superbowl!! WHO DAT!! WHO DAT!! WHO DAT!! GEAUX SAINTS!! YEA...DA COLTS AINT BEAT DEM SAINTS!!!
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