Blogging has become a major part of my life now, thanks to my friend, Rachel for bringing me on-board to this. I blog about almost every major exciting thing that happens in my life: the good, the bad, the depressing moments, the exciting moments, etc. It is a good way for me to become more expressive and communicate with the ones close to me! I share a B'day with Matt Damon, Kristanna Loken, Chevy Chase, Paul Hogan, and Sigourney Weaver.
R.I.P King of Pop

I Love You!!! You Will Be Missed!!
"God Blessed Me With Great Friends!!!" Here They Are:
- Aaron, Jeni, and Calyn Mangum
- Adam J. Fine
- Big B; Exquisite Rachel; Brave Braxton & Magnificant Madi
- Mike and Charity Haderlie
- Rebecca Fox
- Ryan Bailey
- Sierra & Trace Hellstrom
- Tay-Spence, Crystal, & Great Gavin
- Travis' Movie Reviews
- Travis, Janelle, and Baby T-Money Ty
- Zachy, Lisa,Outrageously Awesome Oliver, & Glamaruous Baby Girl Collins
About Me

- Dr. Travis White
- Metairie, Louisiana, United States
- I am a very down to Earth person who has a lot in life to be thankful for. I love meeting new people and making them laugh! I want to get a Ph.D in Clinical Pyschology and become a pyschologist.
"Best Film of 2008" In My Opinion!

"Best Film Of 2009" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2010" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2011" In My Opinion!

Blog Archive
- ▼ 2010 (186)
- ► 2011 (149)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Being "Grown Ups!" Its Such A Funny Job!! Too Funny!!

Friday, June 25, 2010
"Knight & Day" vs. Cruise and Diaz Premiere Night

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Coming Back Stronger: Unleashing the Hidden Power of Adversity

Ever since I heard that the the New Orleans Saints Quarterback, MVP, "In Breesus We Trust" and all the other varied nicknames that he has been nicknamed was writing a book about his life and how he envisions people to excel for their dreams & never give up has made me curious and want to read it to get to know about him more. What I do know of Drew Brees; he is very well-respected and he gives money to local charities and I think that in these economic times, I think everyone should purchase and read this book! It sounds really promising! I see out of all the Saints jerseys, the #9 Drew Brees is the MOST worn one out there! He has to be a very very very well-respected person to get all of this recognition. Even at the Saints parades and when he flew in at the Airport after they won the Superbowl, people were screaming his name and was going all loud n crazy! He was the King of the Bacchus parade. I had never went to the Bacchus parade before and I have lived here in New Orleans for all my life. I went just to see him! I am so excited for this book signing event and I not only get one but THREE chances to see him because he will be in the Metairie/Kenner area!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Idaho Finale Ends: Saying Goodbye 2 Idaho!!!

Well, on this day...the actual day that I left NOT the day of this posting (remember that it was back in January) I was saying goodbyes to almost everyone I had met there & the people I went there to visit initially. I went bike riding on the water....well it was snow and hard as a rock....the three-wheeler ride was awesome! I really do, still til this day, miss all the new friends that I met while on my trip to Idaho.
Snowy Idaho Falls, ID. Sabbath Day
It never occurred to me until now that I never completed uploading my photos from my trip to Idaho this past January '10. These are pics of me and Greg just playing around int he snow in front his home after we got back from Church on a very freezing and cold Sunday! I love the snow and because I live in the South were the heat index makes it feel like 130 degrees plus heat...I would kill for this snow as you see here!!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Finally Seeing "The A-Team!"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Simply Southern Etiquette!!!
I am at the library right now & and I am surrounded by a bunch of idiots! There is one girl whom is in here and is a grown freakin' woman like in her late twenties and she is up in here sucking her damn thumb! That is just crazy! Why do so many dumb grown people go around sucking their thumb like a baby? Then there was a man whom was listening to music videos via YouTube & he was using earphones but everyone in the room could hear him and he had a call coming in and then he answered the phone and he had the audacity to whisper. Geez! People do the craziest crap ever in the South! I always thought that a library was supposed to be a quiet and peaceful place...but in the South, it is not a library....people just be passing gas while surfing the net, talking all loud and on speakerphones all loud, etc. Gosh, it is not even funny anymore...just ridiculous!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
"The Karate Kid: The Black Remake"

This was a remake of the original film, but this was a very great remake. Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson, and newcomer celebrity, Jaden Smith did a great job. The beginning of the movie was kinda boring and it was taking a long time to get to the climax of the movie. Jaden really has a lot of his father's mannerisms in this film, his persistence in NOT surrendering into the bullies was phenomenal! Some of things/life lessons Chan was teaching Jaden in the movie, you can actually use in real life and some scenes really brought a tear to my eye because it made me realize things in my own personal life and it will do the same to you if you truly open up your heart and really do what Chan was telling Jaden in the movie: "FOCUS!" Will and Jada really need to be very proud of Jaden Smith! He was exquisite! Dynamite!! Explosive! I really loved this movie and it was amazing! Simply brilliant!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
New Orleans $aints Practice Sessions/Autogrpahs and Pictures Begin Soon

They were playing and handing out autographs and all that! Taking pictures with the fans and all of the above, but I called the facility in Metairie and I found out that the REGULAR practicing session will be held next month and I will get a chance to see them practice and take pics and talk to them and all that! I want to take pictures with the following: Reggie Bush, Drew Brees, Garrett Hartley, and Jeff Charleston.
I already recieved an official autograph & talked to Scott Shanle a few months ago @ a signing. I cannot wait! Hopefully they do good and win again! It may be impossible, but I will definitely be getting into football now! I have seen so many shirts, Saints apparel, slippers, jackets, trash cans, posters, flyers, banners, towels, you name it--every store has it! "In Breesus We Trust." I cannot wait for this season to start! BLACK & GOLD!!!
Admiring Apparel 4 Cruise '10

Sunday, June 6, 2010
"Killers" Saturday!

This was a little cute romantic comedy movie. It had TWO of my faviorte actors in it! They really did a good job. I loved the scene where the mother was constantly drinking! Gosh, those scenes were hilaruous! If you see it, you will laugh and love it! I was waiting for months to see this movie and I was not disappointed, but the end was a lot better than the beginning. I kinda did not see what happened at the end with Jen happen, but I kinda suspected that everyone was going to want to kill them! Hence the name, "Killers!" Lol
Saturday, June 5, 2010
"Splice" Movie Premiere

To say that this movie was more advertised in theaters and not on TV, because I never saw it being advertised ONCE on the tube, I can see why. It was a very decent movie. I was under the impression that it was going to be a Science Fiction/Horror film--it was more of a suspense/drama type film. There were some unforeseen parts in it that I thought would happen sooner in the movie-rather than @ the end. It was really predictable towards the middle...some parts, I could not see coming, while 90% figured it all out!!! Splice was the right name because everything was getting spliced up in this movie if you see it. I really felt sorry for Dren...I CANNOT believe that they name her after NERD while playing scrabble backwards. Lol! NERD=DREN.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Boyz Sleepover In Destrehan, Louisiana
I had planned on going to see the movie, "Killers"-when all of a sudden Lester texted messaged me & and asked me if I wanted to do the boyz sleepover like we had been talking about for months, so I ditched my movie that I was going to see solo to go spend a night with him and 5 of our others friends in a city that was only a 15 minute drive away from Metairie. It was me, Lester, Brian, Ryan, Shawn,and Troy. We got there at like 9:45pm and did not go to bed until almost 5AM! I have NEVER stayed up that late. We played Family Fued, Scattergories, Guesstures, watched movies and talked about the death of Blanche on Golden Girls! :(
They were all drinking Patron, Bubble Gum wine, wine coolers, and smoking. I did not join in on those activities at all because I do not enjoy drinking and smoking. Never tried it! Never will try it! They all kept askign me too! Not pressuring me, but asking me to try it! So this was how I spent last night! Brian and Lester brought me back home on Saturday, but we stopped off at Shoney's and got some grub then headed to the movie theater to see "Splice."
They were all drinking Patron, Bubble Gum wine, wine coolers, and smoking. I did not join in on those activities at all because I do not enjoy drinking and smoking. Never tried it! Never will try it! They all kept askign me too! Not pressuring me, but asking me to try it! So this was how I spent last night! Brian and Lester brought me back home on Saturday, but we stopped off at Shoney's and got some grub then headed to the movie theater to see "Splice."
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Birthday Cruise Confirmed & Life Throws Unforseen Instances---
My friend, Todd confirmed that we would be definitely be going on this cruise, now he has changed the destination 2 Mexico instead of Jamaica. There is a lot of turmoil going on in the Caribbean and I just want to have fun but at the same time, have a blast and be very safe and cautious! As far as unforeseen circumstances, I am talking about certain friends in my life. It just seems as no matter how good I am or that I try to be...people just have a problem with how I live my life and act...Half of the people I know whom I keep in touch with tell me that I do not call as much and that I am a true friend to be keeping in touch, while the others say that I bug them too much. It just makes me feel bad and I have no clue as to what do....but I cannot satisfy all of them. What do I do? I pray, try to live correctly, what is going on with them?
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