What a morning today was! Whew! Barnes & Noble was sold out of the book. Half the people had been sleeping outside and was waiting for hours to either get to see Drew Brees or to see him and get their books signed. People were going in crowds and was taking pics and videos of of him! It was insane! Madness! The store was filled and was packed so tight there was hardly any room to breathe or to move around! A lot of people love this man to death! Literally! His hand must have been in agony. ALL he was doing was signing and looking up....signing and looking up! They had people that were waiting in line outside of the bookstore and the book was sold out so y were the people there! Just to see him but he was only there for 2 hours! Drew was so kind, I mean from time to time, he was smiling and talking and posing for some pics (people were saying such nice things about him like he is not full of himself, he looks so sweet, he is this and he is that) 'cuz people were in front of him at the table and such. I took a few videos of him myself, but they were form a distance outside-then I slid inside through the Cafe and I got so much more closer to him. He did not autograph my book because I am waiting until the 25th to see him! Hopefully I can just stand beside him and get a photo! O, I am a lucky and blessed man to witness what I witnessed today! Go Drew!!!! "In Breesus We Trust!!" Amen!
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