The new action/thriller, "Contraband" starring Mark Wahlberg and Kate Beckinsale began filming (co-starring Ben Foster from "Alpha Dog" & Giovanni Ribisi from "The Perfect Stranger") here on January 17th and tonight on January 20th, I received a tip as to where the cast would be filming and I went there at 8:30pm and watched Mark Wahlberg, Ben Foster, and Giovanni Ribisi film a scene in the Warehouse District in New Orleans, LA. tonight! Mark was the only one I could catch, but trust me, I am determined to catch the other three! One down...three more to go with Ben, Kate, and Giovanni!
When I first spotted Mark filming, my legs began to shake, uncontrollably. I get like that with certain celebs. I mean, my legs did not shake when I met Jason Segel or Ed Helms. Maybe I get super-nervous when it is a certain celebrity. I dunno...after a few takes, Mark's black Expedition was parked right beside me and as he was walking towards it, I stopped him and said, "Hey Marky Mark! You are a great actor and could I have my picture taken with you?"
He then replied, "Sure, but only if we can make it fast." I handed my camera to my friend and he snapped it for us and he shook my hand and said it was great to meet me and I replied, likewise and he shot out of there. I looked at the picture and then I looked down at my hand and said to myself that I will never wash my right hand again! Lol! I had all sorts of different types of thoughts go in my head like:
A. I met Mark Wahlberg!
B. Mark Wahlberg shook my hand!
C. I looked Mark Wahlberg in the eyes!
D. I saw Mark filming a movie with my own eyes!
E. I will never wash my right hand again!
F. I talked to Mark Wahlberg!
G. I took a picture with the same guy who was in "Date Night" and "Shooter" and "The Fighter" and "The Departed!" OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!
I want to watch every single DVD that I own with Mark Wahlberg and freeze the scene, any scene that he is in and say out loud or to myself-I met him and I still cannot believe it! I feel so blessed each and every time I have the opportunity to meet a celebrity! EVERY TIME!!
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