Granted, “No Strings Attached” movie with Kutcher & Portman was really awesome and NSA AND FWB both mean the exact same thing—had an Advanced Screening to this film so here is my rating on it--I really liked this movie! The beginning was so great! It made me think one thing, when I was so totally off base with it and I laughed @ myself! I love it when I am tricked about something in a movie that means that it will not be “as predictable”. Of course, the ending to the movie was predictable, but certain parts kept me guessing that something either could or could not happen. Mila Kunis played a very tough, feisty, street-smart NY girl & Timberlake played the more playboy type who wanted love-both did not want to commit, but I liked how they came together. The movie had me laughing at so many parts-the introduction to Woody Harrelson was hilarious! Kunis’ mom was funny, Timberlake’s dad was funnier and the scene with Timberlake and a girl he picked up while separated form Jamie who was sniffing and licking his armpit hair-that scene was priceless! It was a re-make that, in my opinion was very enjoyable to watch! I loved it form start to finish. It had a little conflict, a little drama, most of all, it had me laughing and wanting more!
I do not know where to even begin with how AMAZING today's filming project in New Orleans went on the new upcoming film, "Fire with Fire" starring Bruce Willis, Rosario Dawson, and Josh Duhamel. My role was an airport traveler. The only actors that I filmed with were Rosario Dawson & Julian McMahon. I saw Josh Duhamel, but he did not film any scenes with me, but I still saw him and was pleased about that because I do have a great passion for movies and the Entertainment Industry. When I first saw Rosario Dawson, I was blown away because she was so gorgeous in real life. She was right in front of me at out starting positions to film the scene and she was the coolest and most down to Earth actress that I have ever worked with, seriously. She was joking around with all the extras, mingling and talking to them, laughing, dancing, and just being so friendly and I told her, I said, "you are just so down to Earth, I love that-I really did, I just love that about you, it is amazing!" And she told me thanks, that is nice to hear. I also went on to tell her that the role she played opposite Will Smith in "Seven Pounds," she did a fantastic job. She and Will both captured the screen and I told her I loved her in "The Zookeeper!" I told her that she and Kevin James work really well together and had that on screen chemistry and she told me that she loved that movie and she appreciated my feedback and comments about the movies that I have seen her in. Her entire attitude during the filming was phenomenal! She was always smiling and joking, if she was tired, she never showed it, she was so full of life and energy, and I love seeing actors who are like that and talk with the extras! It just warms my heart!After filming, she took pictures with a few people. I wanted to ask her for a photo, but I declined. Just joking and talking to her between takes meant more to me than a photo with her! I have the actual experience of knowing that I talked to her between takes and setting up shots, an complimenting her on her work. I got to shake Julian McMahon's hand and tell him that I loved him in every last Nip/Tuck and Charmed. Those were my shows and when they went off the air, I was sad, but Julian and Rosario really made me feel good because they talked to me, joked with me and were down to Earth and I loved the experience in working with them both! I look forward to seeing "Fire with Fire" when it hits theatres next year!
My friend whom I film movies with, but not on a regular basis/nor do I see a lot came over to my home tonight just to chill and eat since we do not have the luxury of seeing each other very often. I made for us some Chinese food: Sweet & Sour Chicken with some Fried Rice and he LOVED EVERY BITE OF IT! You should have seen his facial expression! I love to see people’s reactions and faces when they try food that I have prepared! I love to cook and I love for my food to have a flare; a flavor, a good taste. I do NOT cook bland @ all and I love to make people want more that it is so good. I aim for that and Victor said that my food had flavor and it was damn good! Pardon the French! Lol! He had 2 plates full and I told him that he could take the rest of it home if he wished. He fought me on it at first, but then he said to me: “if you want me to take it, I will because bro, I will tear this up tonight!” Lol! I love compliments like that! That means that I did a job well done! After we ate dinner, he asked me when we are doing this again— another comment that I loved to hear because he wanted more; that is my ultimate goal when people have my cooking-I want them to leave wanting more or at least a different meal. We took a picture before he left and obviously you know what it is! I like Victor because he is proving to be a good friend to me….
Incidents are persistently happening 2 me in my life where these two words are concerned. Sure, most people assume that they both mean the same thing. But I WANT to put a deeper and richer spin on it. A friend, in my opinion, is someone who you can rely on when things are going good for you, bad for you, they are there to encourage you when you need to be lifted up, they know you like you are apart of their family, they stick closer to you like a brother or a sister, they love you unconditionally, they are always looking out for your best interest, if you ever need anything, you can be assured that if it is in their power-they will try to assist you, they are the ones who keep in contact with you, if they know you are sick, they will check on you, they are the ones if they feel that they have gone without communicating with you for a lengthy period of time, will call you and apologize for letting it go so long and give you a plausible explanation as to why, they will do whatever they can to see that you request(s) can be fulfilled to the best of their ability, they are the ones who do not force or peer pressure you into doing some thing that you are not ready or comfortable in doing, they are people who respect and trust you, ones who do not judge you and come to your defense, they are protectors; friends look out for one another….and from all that—then that is how best friends arise, because from being a friend, the two of you know each other so well and each person has PROVEN his/her loyalty to the other, the next step is best friends. But to get to that point, you have to get to know each other over time. Friendship is earned, not given. Just like trust. Anything can break up trust just like a friendship. Wouldn’t you agree to all of these attributes of a friend? A acquaint in my opinion is someone who is trying to be your friend. There was a part on my favorite TV Show, Charmed, where Piper told her sister, Phoebe that love seems like an invitation for pain and that she could not imagine opening up to someone new & Phoebe suggested that she not start with love-in fact, she should start with thanks. That is a perfect example! In order to grow into friends—then BFF’s….then whatever, you have to give gratitude to the person and from that, a friendship can be born. Acquaints are people who you do not see on a regular, daily basis-but are the ones who are like business associates that you see at work, but not very day, people whom you see in passing, etc. If they want to become your friend, then either one or both parties will make the effort to work towards that. Me personally, I am always so ready to make people my friends, I get ahead of myself and assume that people are one way, when their actions, show me some thing totally different. You can be friends with some one for years and they can hide their true colors-but they can only stay hidden for so long. I’ve longed for friends whom I can see on a regular basis and do things with. I always have that for months, but then it dissipates and I never get it back. People tend to take kindness for weakness, but how do you really get to know someone without trying to get to know someone? If you do not try to get to know an individual and put fourth the effort, how will you ever get to know them? I have lost so man friends because of selfish reasons that I would rather not go into. People do not call me anymore; do not text me, etc. Why? I have no clue. They could be pissed off at me simply because I have not contacted them and they are use to me always contacting them first! Well, that is too tough. A friendship does NOT consist of ME DOING EVERYTHING ALL OF THE TIME! I call first, I text first, I check on them, I, I, I! I am sick of it and if they do not have enough common sense to stop and see that I am not contacting them is because I want them to realize that, they are damn fools! Period! I do not kiss anyone’s butt to keep them in my life! I have a very ground & valid reason for stating the obvious! I hate people who have not called me in months and then all of a sudden they see I am in movies, or filming with a celeb they like—now all of a sudden you want to talk to me, ur USING ME and I am not going to be bothered; or my personal favorite, they call me not to catch up with me or talk about us, they call me because they want something from me and that is it! Is that really fair? I have a sincere right to be pissed off at people like that! If they are like that, I am better off with limited friends and not a lot to begin with! I had to vent about this because something happened today to make me want to voice this-writing all this does make me feel better, but I am still hurt by the prick that let me down today, I am very disappointed in him!
I had an Advanced Pass for this movie, so I took advantage of it & it was simply a repeat of Night @ the Museum is all this movie is-with a little bit more emphasis on COMPASSION & COMMITMENT to the job and the animals; with the exception that in this movie, it is animals that talk and not people/statues. This is a movie for children, young adults and families. This is a cute film for really any genre of individuals. It has lots of laughs-thank to Kevin James. I mean, he is clumsy as an ox, the way he screams when the animals begin talking and following him, certain scenes that he does that just make you laugh so hard and say wow because u cannot believe that he just did what you saw, etc. That little monkey was HILARIOUS. Whomever did the voice for that monkey needs to win an Academy Award-they were funny as hell! The scene with the Fo*Rida song, "Low" featuring the Gorilla was too funny as well. This movie will keep you laughing from start to finish & the very beginning of the movie was funny, too! Kevin James is a really talented and gifted actor/comedian. Rosario Dawson could have portrayed her character with more emphasis than she did. She acted brilliantly in the wedding scene and the end, but all other scenes that she was in: NAH! James' movements and facial expressions are just phenomenal in this movie-the way he interacted with the animals teaching him how to re-invent himself is funny; what they tell him to do, the whole thing is sweet and funny. You will chuckle, you will laugh, you will smile big, but one thing you will NOT do: say that there was NOT one part in the movie you DID NOT LOVE. A movie suited for anyone in my candid opinion!

Wow! What can I say about “the” actual horrible bosses AND the actual film itself? Whew! The bosses were all the same, crude, rude, and just horrible! But the way that they were all introduced in the beginning of the film was remarkably funny! There were so many sexual explicit scenes with Aniston’s character that I could NOT contain my laughter! She was dynamite! The way that Day acted throughout the entire film was simply funny-he was stupid as hell! He had me cracking up and so did Jamie Foxx! Foxx’s name in the movie was soooo damn funny and the story he tells as to how he got the name is priceless; trust me on that! Because of all the sexual explicit imagery and the vulgar language/references, I felt like I was watching a continuation of Bad Teacher! Lol! This movie, as a whole was very entertaining from start to finish! I laughed at almost every character and in every scene at like 5 minute intervals! That is a definite good thing! This movie had the perfect cast, the photography was bright and clear, the acting was phenomenal, and the laughter was very contagious! This is a definite must see movie & the way that it ended—it was priceless…u will laugh and stay for the ending credits, they are just like The Hangover, funny as hell!

This movie was like Larry: plain and just no flare to it/him! But, the IMMEDIATE thing that I noticed about Julia Roberts’ character in this movie is that is was slightly similar to Cameron Diaz’ character in Bad Teacher. Diaz’ character was rough and slutty and did not give a crap while on the other hand, Roberts’ character was simply nonchalance, at times-not 24/7 and she would always look beat up and exhausted. Now that is out of the way…..I felt like every time Julia and Tom interacted with each other, it was very funny an exciting. Dr. M was really funny when he started laughing uncontrollably in his scenes. This was a low-budget film with no other stars but Julia and Tom that had pivotal roles. This was one of those movies where the previews looked intriguing-but the end result was just okay. This was a movie made for the “older generation.” It was really original and I not deliver the type of performance I was expecting, so thank you not Mr. Larry Crowne!