Blogging has become a major part of my life now, thanks to my friend, Rachel for bringing me on-board to this. I blog about almost every major exciting thing that happens in my life: the good, the bad, the depressing moments, the exciting moments, etc. It is a good way for me to become more expressive and communicate with the ones close to me! I share a B'day with Matt Damon, Kristanna Loken, Chevy Chase, Paul Hogan, and Sigourney Weaver.
R.I.P King of Pop

I Love You!!! You Will Be Missed!!
"God Blessed Me With Great Friends!!!" Here They Are:
- Aaron, Jeni, and Calyn Mangum
- Adam J. Fine
- Big B; Exquisite Rachel; Brave Braxton & Magnificant Madi
- Mike and Charity Haderlie
- Rebecca Fox
- Ryan Bailey
- Sierra & Trace Hellstrom
- Tay-Spence, Crystal, & Great Gavin
- Travis' Movie Reviews
- Travis, Janelle, and Baby T-Money Ty
- Zachy, Lisa,Outrageously Awesome Oliver, & Glamaruous Baby Girl Collins
About Me

- Dr. Travis White
- Metairie, Louisiana, United States
- I am a very down to Earth person who has a lot in life to be thankful for. I love meeting new people and making them laugh! I want to get a Ph.D in Clinical Pyschology and become a pyschologist.
"Best Film of 2008" In My Opinion!

"Best Film Of 2009" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2010" In My Opinion!

"Best Film of 2011" In My Opinion!

Blog Archive
- ▼ 2009 (130)
- ► 2010 (186)
- ► 2011 (149)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years Eve...Goodbye 2009....and....
This New Years Eve was spent @ The Esplande Mall window shopping and I did some AMAZING Rocawear and Russell Simmons Argyleculture denim pants! I also bought some Clavin Klein "Eternity" Cologne! I love dressing and smelling good! So, I just basically worked mah last shift @ Sears today & the seasonal job has come to an end! I am hearing the sounds of firecrackers outside booming form casinos, riverboats, etc! It is always very exciting to hear these sounds. As dangerous as Time Sq. is in New York City, I would still want to be out there to see the ball drop. That is like a NYC tradition and I just want to be able to experience things that I know will be hard to do. That is a new years resolution I make for mahself! I made some egg nog MINUS the rum (because I do not drink), and it came out good. I try to continue the traditions that my mother use to do when we were a family-just for me. Happy New Year!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
6 Days Left AND Seeing A True Friend
I have only a few more left until mah trip and I am both excited, but at the same time a little nervous because of all these airline accidents that are occurring very rapidly. Tonight I talked with a very good friend of mine and he is worth mentioning. Brady is my dogg for life! He is the greatest friend that I could ever hope and pray for! He is trying so hard to find a way to see me when I am in Utah next week. We both are determined to see each other; that's friendship to me! I am so blessed to have a friend like Brady who WANTS to spend time with me and see makes me feel really good to know that he has my back and will be there for me if I need anything so this post I dedicate to Brady, mah boy!!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas v. "Act of Terrorism!"
CHRISTMAS STORY: This Christmas was very boring, just like Christmas Eve. I got a lot of text message love from friends wishing me a very Merry Christmas. I was reflecting on my deceased relatives today and saying a silent prayer in my heart for them, I had Christmas Dinner with my family and then that was it. I was planning on going nad seeing "Avatar 3D" but I was searching for a parking spot for too long and when I discovered that it was 9:25pm, I headed back to my house because the Box Office line was most likely long as hell and then I would not have gotten a good seat...this is y I go to movies an hour early to avoid this traffic and buy my ticket days in advance...people just don't understand that about me!
THE TERRORISM STORY: I was in my living room and I was flipping the channels and I turned it on toe FOX News and there was this story about this 23 year old guy form Nigeria and how he wanted to blow up a Delta Airplane as a "attempt of terrorism!" I have traveling in 9 days and I have to get on an airplane with all this on my damn mind! I was freaking out when 9/11 struck, then I got past it and was comfortable traveling, now to find out that I have to be on a United airplane-the same United place that is identical to the United 93 flight that crashed on 9/11 and now to deal with this that I saw tonight on top of it!! How much more can I take?????? There is NO way in hell that I am just going to get on a plane and NOT be thinking about this!!! What can TSA and airlines do to make us feel more comfortable and safe??? What???
THE TERRORISM STORY: I was in my living room and I was flipping the channels and I turned it on toe FOX News and there was this story about this 23 year old guy form Nigeria and how he wanted to blow up a Delta Airplane as a "attempt of terrorism!" I have traveling in 9 days and I have to get on an airplane with all this on my damn mind! I was freaking out when 9/11 struck, then I got past it and was comfortable traveling, now to find out that I have to be on a United airplane-the same United place that is identical to the United 93 flight that crashed on 9/11 and now to deal with this that I saw tonight on top of it!! How much more can I take?????? There is NO way in hell that I am just going to get on a plane and NOT be thinking about this!!! What can TSA and airlines do to make us feel more comfortable and safe??? What???
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve+Tornado Watch 'til 6PM=Bad Christmas Eve
This year's Christmas Eve-hmmm....what should I say about it....I can say, yea, it was raining heavy, lots of flooding, and a big tornado watch practically all day today! This was the WORST Christmas Eve ever....I remember when I was younger, I use to sit under the tree until Midnight and I would want to open up the gifts all day, but my parents never would allow me too. Sitting by a warm fireplace and all that....the only thing that was missing was the snow falling outside on the trees and the heavy winds. To me, a "white" Christmas should be in every state/region in the universe-the way that people imagine it to be! When the weather did clear up-I went out to the Malls and they were crowded with people shopping and laughing with their family and friends and it made me feel bad knowing that my family is all dissolved now and is a wreck! When I got back to my place, I just got online n messed around on the net and watched a few movies.....this is how I spent my Christmas Eve-not the best, trust me I know!! :(((((((((((((
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Entering The Single-Digit Countdown This Weekend!!!

On today, it makes 12 days until I leave for mah trip and I still so excited-this Saturday, I will be on 9. Tonight I caught a glimpse of the airplanes landing and taking off of the runway at the New Orleans International Airport. I have never in my life encountered 7 planes all taking off at the same exact time-one after the other! I picked a very good day to see planes. Ever since 9/11 truck, I never ever wanted to get anywhere near an aircraft, but proper measures where being taken were passengers would feel safe and comfortable and that makes me more relaxed. I bought my ticket on Priceline & I have to be on three different types of airlines: Continental, Frontier, and United. Given that movie "United 93", I am kind ao scared to get on a plane that is identical to the one that crashed. I try to block that out of my mind-when I flew before, I never thought of 9/11, but to be on a plane that is identical to the one that was hijacked scares me to death! I know that God will protect me and watch over me, but I still cannot shake that feeling! :(
I also found out today that my friend Kurtis will be getting hitched to his sweetheart, Grace! :)
Friday, December 18, 2009
Did You Hear About The Morgans Premiere!

This movie was not as good as I anticipated it would be. It lacked in originality; everything was TOO PREDICTABLE!! There were no hidden agendas. It was just too plain...Sarah Jessica Parker needs to stick to Sex and the City movies. I was very disappointed in this film. I t was okay, but no where in the vicinity of great! The previews fooled me again! :(
I mean, it had that funny storyline to it, maybe the acting sucked or they nedded better actors, I dunno, but for whatever reason it was not good at all. I mean, it cmae in fourth place opening weekend! That is weak! So sowry Hugh and Jessica!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Mah 73 Inch Big Screen TV

I've always been kinda skeptical to post pictures of my television on here or anywhere but it is the Christmas Holidays and this TV was a graduation present and I am honored and proud 2 have it! I am worthy of it n I have always wanted a TV of this size! Yes, there are BIGGER TV's out there, but this one is the biggest that I have ever had in all of my entire life! I love it! I have so many DVD's and I have not watched all of them yet on my TV! Lol....hopefully I get a Blu-Ray player soon and surround sound system-that would only enhance the sound and picture quality of a movie on a TV of this magnitude!!!! I do know for a fact that when I watch "Deep Blue Sea," the sharks look like they are going to burst out of the TV screen! And when I watch "Fast and the Furious," it is amazing! Certain movies are the bomb on this thing!
Monday, December 14, 2009
21 More Days Left!!!
Oh man, I am so excited! In such a great mood! I live about 5 minutes away from the New Orleans International Airport and I find mahself driving there almost every other day just to see planes take off and land and at times when they are on the runway, I try to keep up with them! Ha! Just the mere thought of flying gets me excited! I love to be in the actual airport just watching airplanes land and take off! It is kinda difficult in the car because I cannot pull off 2 the side of the road, but I still feel like a kid at Christmas time and before I had a real FEAR of flying due to 9/11 then when a US Airways plane landed in the Hudson River a while back, all of the events really make me reflect and REVERT back to my fear, but I am trying to get past that fear! I am so excited because all the friends that I am going to be re-connecting with on my trip and wanting to do this and that with me, have fun, catch up, talk, chill, etc. I feel truly blessed that I have friends in my life that WANT to see me, WANT to do things with me, and SHOWS an interest in my life...I get excited because of their excitement just for me to arrive! That makes me feels special and appreciated and it is a good feeling!!! Thanks friends!!! I love y'all!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A Precious Day

A Precious Day for me is that I am still counting my blessings that I was able to get a Macy's credit card yesterday and just shop and not to exceed my credit limit. They had some great items that were on sale and I bargained up on them. My friend, Cinthia and I went to see a movie tonight, we went to see "Precious." I had already seen it, but she really wanted to see it and so I agreed to go with her because it is an emotional film and she did not feel comfortable going at it alone. We watched it and Cinthia did not fall apart...we took this picture today as well-being in the Christmas Spirit and all! HaHa! And then I got a surprise phone call form Tammy. I have not heard from her in a blessings were just pouring out over me and I loved each and every one of them!
Monday, December 7, 2009
"The Twilight Saga: New Moon"

My feelings on this movie is that it was more in-depth and well produced....its meaning and purpose kept my attention! Twilight was alright, but this movie was so much better! I had not read any of the books, but this movie has more force, action, was like a teenage love story, given that is what it is to this generation, but I loved it and this one I will want to buy on DVD when it is released! I loved the ending-but I kinda figured out what was going to happen as I was hearing was just a common sense thing! :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Eye Choas & "Armored" Movie Premiere

I had been having some eye troubles for the past entire week and today I went to the eye doctor and he told me that I just had an allergic reaction to some thing and prescribed me some antibiotic eye drops and that the problem will dissipate! I was so glad to hear that because the eye is very sensitive and my health is nothing to play with so I had to make sure I was not losing my sight or anything like that! I am a firm believer is catching a problem as soon as it shows up!
"Armored" was a pretty good 'lil movie. It was fairly decent. Something that I thought was going to be predictable actually won't and I loved that! I love suspense-something that I am use to and think will happen won't happen I APPRECIATE so much in films nowadays because it so so rare! Laurence Fishburne got burned bad in this movie and it was funny! It had the right dose of suspense and the right touch of action/nothing too overly dramatic....just right!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday is the WORST DAY IN HISTORY!!!

I went to some stores on “African American” Friday (Black Friday-the day after Thanksgiving) and boy was it a hot mess up in them stores. It as like a U2 or Ludacris concert. Better yet, it was like when I went to go see a movie last week and all the people waiting was for New Moon” and I could not squeeze in anywhere! Exactly like that and I saw iPod’s for like $145 no matter what the size was, Plasma TV’s on sale, etc. Some things were like $1, $100, or a little bit off-not dramatically lowered price though! I had to hit up the DVD section-I got some Law and Order: SVU DVD’s for cheap! Yay! I was too excited! I already have an iPod, and the AT&T store had iPhone’s for $99 and the new iPhones for $199. Sales! Sales! Sales! FYI: It is called Black Friday because it is death how people will do anything for the sales and doors open at certain stores from Midnight to 4AM…
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving '09
All in all, today went well. I deviated form the norm and did NOT cook a Butterball Turkey! Lol...I made some BBQ Ribs, beef friend rice,and potato salad. It was only me and my Father so why go through the trouble and prepare all that food when it was just the two of us. The food came out excellent and we enjoyed it all! Our friend, Don came over and ate with us and watched the game and that was about it. I had a 'lil moment when I went to the store-I heard the Christmas music playing and I started thinking about 2 of my Aunts who passed away this year and began to cray a little bit. I felt embarrassed but I missed them and I guess with the holidays fast approaching, the music and that just triggered me to get all emotional and stuff. I am better now, but still wish that they were alive!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
"Precious Night"

Lester, Shawn, Matt, and myself went to see the movie, "Precious." It was the following: Intense. Electrifying. Radical. Definitely real. These are the key words that describe this film. I went in there expecting to shed some tears and get my heart hurt by this particular film, but it did NOT affect me in the ways that I anticipated that it would. I mean, Mo'Nique really did play her role and it is a shame that some parents talk and treat their kids in the fashion that she treated Precious. I did not read the book at all, but the ending could have been a lot better. It did not divulge what ever happened to Precious nor her mother like what most films do if it is a true story or an intense film such as this one. I really identified with this film because I saw this exact behavior when I was growing up. Not hardcore as hitting children in the head and saying harsh things, but along the same lines. You MUST AND NEED to be a strong individual to adapt to this film! If you had a rough childhood and you think that you can cope and deal with the abuse and language in this film, I say go ahead and re-live the trauma if you are strong and it will not affect you, if you are a Sociology/Psychology graduate or major-don't try to view it from a sociological or psychological standpoint, it will not work!
Friday, November 20, 2009
"The Blind Side" Premiere

This was a really good movie & I enjoyed it a lot....Sandra Bullock was down here in New Orleans having to promote the film and I missed her! That sux! I love movies that are based on true stories. This movie really touched me. It is everything that movie critics and everyone is saying about it! Truly wonderful and heart felt. A movie for the entire family to watch. It inspires!! Sandra Bullock really outdid herself in this film! I loved it and woudl get it on bootleg it was so good and I do NOT say that too often about certain films! But when it is good! It's good!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hotel Day! Holiday Inn & Hilton
The Holiday Inn Story: Hotels are mah second passion and today I literally walked over to the Holiday Inn right down the street from my house (would be a huge blessing if I get it) and asked for some Human Resource information. A lady told to to come back tomorrow and ask for certain people. It is opening up in December and they are interviewing and hiring people on the spot. I like hen employers do that! I really really really do!!! I will go over tomorrow morning and take a chance to see if I can get hired!
The Hilton Hotel Story: Well, I called mah friend, Brandy up and asked if she had any weight that she could carry to get me on at the Hotel where she works and she just asked me to e-mail her my resume and that I did and not just waiting to hear back....
I tell you...finding a job now in this economy is NOT what you know and the skills you possess...I think it is WHO you know...that's right, I said WHO!
The Hilton Hotel Story: Well, I called mah friend, Brandy up and asked if she had any weight that she could carry to get me on at the Hotel where she works and she just asked me to e-mail her my resume and that I did and not just waiting to hear back....
I tell you...finding a job now in this economy is NOT what you know and the skills you possess...I think it is WHO you know...that's right, I said WHO!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Death Strikes
I received a very disturbing phone call from my mother on last night and she informed me that my Uncle, her brother had dies of a heart attack at his home and he was alone and his friend had found him on the floor. I hate all these relatives that are dying. I think that I feel more sorrow for my own mother and what she is going through rather then mourning myself.....
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday the 13th's "2012" Movie Premiere Night

I went to see the film that everyone was talking about many many many months ago and was even asking when I was working at Hollywood Video if we had it to rent yet and it had not even came into theaters as of yet until last night, "2012". Whew! Quite the little introduction, huh? It could have been made to be a little bit more realistic. I mean me and Shaquetta were just looking at it and laughing out tails off because the special effects and how all the natural disasters were happening was funny. I mean, if it took all this time to release this film-they should have taken a lil bit more time on it! Other than that small detail, the movie was great. Great action, Mother Nature is a beast and I was thinking about other films like Hancock, The Golden Child, Titanic, and The Perfect Storm all during certain scenes in the movie! Lol! It was a good movie, but I feel that it would have been better, so much more better in 3D!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Playing Frisbee With Eddie
My friend, Eddie came and picked me up today and we went to the park at night and played frisbee. It was amazing-the weather was perfect! Jut the right kinda cool! Afterwards, we went to Arby's and ate some grub then we went to get doughnuts! We love to eat! Lol! I had a great time!
Helping $kidz Out=100%A+
Mah friend, Kurtis had a English paper to do for his class @ BYU-Idaho and he decided to write a paper on me and just today he told me that he got the paper back and received a perfect score on it! I was so happy for him and for me! I love English! English was my BEST AND FAVORITE subject in school! Kurtis had another problem that he needed to talk to me about as well today and I listened to his situation and I gave him some friendly advice! He told me that it seemed as if I sincerely cared and that he really appreciated my words and that I made him feel a whole lot better! I liked that! I love helping people and figuring out what is the best course of action for them to take. It made me really feel good about mahself! Go Travis!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Salute: Michael Jackson's "This Is It!" Film!!

I can see why he named it, "This Is It." He was re-doing and altering all of his fans' favorite songs because he was going to retire. He still had all the moves and is still the King of Pop. I shed a few lil tears for him I LOVED the Thriller re-make and Smooth Criminal! He will blow any dance movie (Stomp the Yard, Save the Last Dance, Step Up, Dance Flick) out of the water! I will miss him and I will still buy some shirts and Cd's to honor him! RIP Michael Jackson! It is a shame that his life was cut down where he could not perform in London. From all the hard work from the rehearsal that was in this movie-it would have been AWESOME! This movie is one that I would definitely get on bootleg if it id NOT hit the shelves on DVD!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Orientation @ Sears
Today was Orientation at Sears for me and it went really well. Lacoya was really getting off the topics with us every minute. It was the best orientation that I had ever had in my entire life. I start tomorrow as a MCA or MSA. I am always unsure of the second letter in ym job title. I hate the fact that this is only a seasonal job, but hopefully I can stay on-if not Full-time, lets say Part-time.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday Night's "Paranormal Activity!"

I'd been hearing for the past 2 weeks that this film was "the scariest movie of all time" n everything else and I had NEVER even heard about it or seen a preview for it on TV nor in the theaters until mah friend, Tanya told me that she was interested in seeing it. I was getting this film mixed up with "The Fourth Kind" because I am sick and tired of seeing that movie for crying out loud! No matter what scary 3D or 2D movie hits theaters, they all give it rave and wonderful reviews, but the fact of the matter is till the same-it sux and is not that good. Scary movies are not what they use to be and this movie when I saw it tonight was so horrible. Whoever is saying/rating that this movie is the scariest, they should get shot in the head! For real! The only good part of this movie was the very end when the man went flying across the room and zoomed on the movie screen then his girlfriend bit him like a vampire. It took at least an hour for the first paranormal activity to even occur. Who waits an hour, seriously, for something to happen in a movie. Hell, most TV Shows are only an hour-the trouble begins before the opening credits, at least! Dang! This movie was like so many others that I wish that I wold have seen for free or just walked out and demanded a refund or a ticket for admission to see another film!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Got Job #2 @ Sears as Merchandising Consultant
I am getting jobs that I really do not want and that are not in my respected field of study in which my degree is, but at least I am getting my bills paid. It is really hard to get past that fact, but I know that these jobs that I am getting will not be cares for me, but I am thankful that I do have a job in this recession. When will it end I wonder? N e ways, I am happy and look forward to the green! Who wouldn't? :-)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Law-Abiding Citizen Premiere

This movie had just the right type of gore and killing. It was very suspenseful and kept my attention. I cannot explain it, but I can see that this movie will be a very huge success! It had me jumping and never knowing who would die until like 2 seconds before they got killed. It was not predictable at all but I could just for tell whom would die form the very beginning. This is a must see movie. It could have been just a little bit better, I will say that mush for it but having the ability to do what the main character did will astound you!
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Evil & "Cold-Hearted" $tepfather Movie Premiere!!!

Today could not have started off any better, I logged onto Facebook and saw that my friend, Courtney set her status to something about she watched the thunder last night & it was cold outside this morning! I was like in the South and in October? Cold? Seriously? So I went outside to check and see how cold it really was and it was a light cold! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the cold weather and I love the snow. Go figure, huh? Louisiana where it NEVER snows and I love the snow, wonder where that came from, eh? Anyway-seeing a scary movie like The Stepfather and it is cold outside could have made this a better Friday! I was excited to see this movie ever since I saw the preview for it! This movie was good-had my attention 99.9%...I hate to say a perfect 100%. There was something about it though that it was lacking. It was just to original and very predictable! I mean, it was PG-13 and maybe that is y it was not scary enuf for me. Other horror films that are PG-13 show gory scenes and have the normal stuff like when u turn around some one is there and that music plays, but producers and movie makers need to think outside the box!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
"Couples Retreat" Movie Premiere

This film was so funny! Vince Vaughn was great and the sexual references and parts in this movie was kicks! U have got to see it! Man, I am laughing right at this exact moment as I am writing this entry. It was truly a movie that I must see and I recommend it to you to see! I really needed to laugh after the week that I have had and some recent events that have been having recently. Loved it and definitely purchasing it on DVD when it becomes available! Bang Bang!
Security One Job Interview
Henry got me a job interview with his cousin with this Company & I really did not answer any questions at all. They mostly did most of the talking-telling me about the position and the benefits, etc. I HAVE NEVER been on a job interview this short in my entire life. It went by too fast. I have no idea what to expect. And then they are talking about a second interview. I hate these job interviews now that have two and three different interviews! Why can't I ever find a job that I can get on the same damn day? Ugh!!!
My 28th Birthday!!!
On October 8th, 2009---I spent the majority of the day inside and checking Facebook for Wall comments and such until my lil get together that I planned and invited a few people to. I got my haircut so I could look sharp; my friend, Eddie who went to Africa for over a year came to the party and Jason and Ashley and I was getting phone calls, songs, and Birthday wishes all day. I loved that! Out of 365 days of the year, my Birthday is the only day that I want peace and no hassles. I hate feeling anything but happy on my very special day! It went good! I even go a phone call on my Birthday for a Manager's position with Security One for Friday......
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Mah Friend Returns From Year Long Africa Trip This Week!
My friend, Henry is coming back to Louisiana this week! I am so excited to see him, the circumstances are not quite as great as I would have wanted them to be with my car being undrivable, but everything will work out. I am praying that it does. Henry was the best and still is the best! He has been a real good friend to me. He wanted to help me look for a job while he was in Africa. He is just a kind person and I appreciate all the efforts and diligence he has shown towards me. I cannot wait to see him and a lot of other people feel the same way as I do!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
"Jennifer's Body" Premiere v. A Racist Remark!

The new Megan Fox film came into theaters this Friday and this was her FIRST debut film that the movie will be centered all about her. She was a cheerleader on a rampage killing boys in order to live and survive because she got possessed by these witch killers or some crap. N e way the movie was whack and lame as can be. I was really sad by this because tickets cost a lot of money now more than ever and I hate wasting my money on movies that are no good. It is not fair that the previews only show you the good parts but in the movie u see more bad than good parts! :(
The racist comment was that this man had his feet up on the chairs in the auditorium and this black lady and her daughter made a remark about him and he over heard them and they were cursing and talking at each other til he finally said, "that is the problem that I have with all u n*****s!" I was just like in awe and could not find the words to tell n e one. I HAVE NEVER ENCOUNTERED A PROBLEM OR SITUATION LIKE THAT BEFORE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE....EVER! I have no idea what I would have done if it were me! That is the short version because I am tired and wanna go to bed, but it still is demeaning and cruel no matter how I say or type it! :((
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Planning Is My Strength But Sometimes It Stinks!
I am having a very and I do mean difficult time planning this Utah/Idaho trip. I am not the type of person to do n e thing last minute. I mean, planning ever hurt any one-but I am NOT going to be able to see 37 people in 3 days! That just will not be possible no matter how much I work around their individual schedules. I mean, it would be bad for me to be in the same state as them and not see them. This is the ONE thing that is freaking me out! Pressuring me! Ugh! Certain PEOPLE I HAVE NOT SEEN IN A FEW YEARS AND OTHER I HAVE NOT SEEN IN A FEW MONTHS TO A YEAR AND OTHERS HAD KIDS AND I WANT TO MEET THE KIDS! I I just don't know who I am not going to b able to see or what!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Premiere of Film #8: "I Can Do Bad All By Myself"

Tyler outdid himself again! This movie was great! His films just keep on getting better and better and for it to come out on today, such a tragic day in history-he had to have picked this day for a specific reason! Must have been inspired! It made me laugh, cry, and reflect. All of his movies does that to me. I loved the singing in the movies and how he captures the hearts of some many people! Well done! This movie made me think out the choices I made in my life and how there are severe consequences to my actions, not talking or communicating with family members, petty concerns stop you form doing things you enjoy, letting u reach ur breaking point til u hit rock bottom and not know where to go or whom to lean on for support, knowing where ur real and true friends are in ur crisis/time of need-it is deep!
8 Year Anniversary of 9/11/2001
To be honest with you, I cannot believe that time has flown by this fast and it has already made 8 yeas today! I mean, when I hear the month of September, my mind does not flash to 9/11. Some time it does and then sometimes it does not but as 9/11 get closer and Hurricane Season approaches, that is when it dawns on me that the anniversary is coming up. I still cannot believe that when I went to NYC in January and I saw the construction site of the World Trade Center, how I just stood in awe and knowing how close I was to this place here thousands of people lost their own lives and how their loved ones had to find a way to deal and cope with their losses. It just must have been unbearable. I bought the DVD, "United 93" a few years ago and I made it a point to watch it every year on 9/11 to remember those who lost their lives in this horrific attack. I will do that tonight as a matter of fact. This will always be a day that I would want to remember because it is something that NEVER should have happened and I just feel sympathy for all the people that lost husbands, wives, cousins, children, etc. Just remembering it makes me depressed and sorrowful!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday's "Gamer!"

This movie was filled with gore, sexual preferences/scenes, action, violence/killing. It was my kind of film, but it lacked that umph, you know what I am saying? I would rate it 3 stars out of 5! Ludacris was in it and Gerard Butler. Two great people. The acting by Ludacris was bad. Maybe he should have just stuck to music and not movies! :(
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
2-Day Horror Fest: The Final Destination v. H2-Remake!

Let me start off by saying that "The Final Destination" was AWESOME! Most likely because it was in 3D! HaHa! It was so gory, intense, and totally amazing! I would pay that same admission price over and over and over and over again because I have never seen a movie quite like that before ever! Now, as far as the Rob Zombie H2 Re-make film. It was a little bit more gory and the killer was a bit more hardcore. Such a thing as a bit hardcore? Trying to find the correct word or phrase! A bit more stronger in his brutal killings. Let me it it like that!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Mah Adventures With Canadian Mist & Jay-Z

The Crew!!!

Jay is the best!!!

Wayne is crazy!

My Baby!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Travis in Mudlake, Idaho....What the....
Sorta true, y'all....there is this ex-missionary that I already miss to death and he has only been home for like 3 months and I miss him so much. He has been keeping in good contact with me and I so appreciate that from him. I want to meet his family and his sister, Kara. He has a lot of cool relatives form what I hear and they would all love to meet me, and chill with me, and just have some of my Southern cooking! I can never really do fun things with missionaries while they are on their missions for the Church so when they get back home and settle down, that is when I plan a trip to see them and do fun and exciting things and in January-it looks like I will be in Idaho! I may see some peeps in Utah too while I am there since they are right next door....plans are in effect and I have to admit-it may b Idaho, but I am still excited!
Monday, August 17, 2009
I Can Do Bad All By Myself Movie #8
Hurricane Season Approaches!!! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are already THREE major tropical storms brewing up in the Gulf, Atlantic, coast of Florida, etc all this that I am hearing about on the TV and reading in the newspaper! I hate it! I hate Hurricane Season with a passion because ur always in the dark about things until the damn last minute. I wish I lived up North or something when Hurricane Season begins and is here til November! Every state has their own natural disaster, but to be honest, I am ready to endure another natural disaster. Snow. I was in a snowstorm in Utah. I mean, I know snow is dangerous and what can come of them-but hurricanes just seem out there now to me-boring, not all that. I am not asking for a natural disaster to happen, just something little and not as dangerous.....
Talking to Kailen/Growing Up
I talked to my nephew, Kailen yesterday and he was absolutely shocking. I had NO idea that he could formulate sentences as well as he does and all. Last time I saw him he was a baby, and now he told me that he was 6 years old. All my nieces and nephews are catching up to me. I have a niece in College now! College! They are growing, that's for certain! I really felt sad when he told that he did not know who I was. I wanted to be the Uncle Travis that is dedicated to spending time with my family, but unexpected circumstances came up/finance issues, etc. so I was not able to be the type of Uncle that I had anticipated on being. I really felt disappointed in myself in that aspect. But I intend on changing that and hoping that I can be more involved in my family.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Time Traveler's Wife

I, very seldom get Fridays off at my job and today was one of those days, so I took advantage of that & went to the movies like I always use to do before I found a job in this tough economy!!! This movie was truly romantic and people were crying up in there, I could tell that it was real, sincere, and intense and other people were faking it and being all dam dramatic, but is to be expected in a movie theater. Drama! Drama! Damn Drama! This movie could be comparable to "The Soloist" starring Jamie Foxx becuz you know some stories have great plots, storylines, etc but there will be certain pats int he move that are sad and depressing and that u can see coming-but it just cannot b avoided. With this movie, I felt like it was true romance all the way from start to finish. I did NOT read the book-I still fell in love with this movie. It had some sad parts but as it has been stated-nothing is true romance with out a lil hardship, sacrifice, and most importantly loss. You have to have the bad happen to you in order to see some good rise up and surface. No life is perfect. Life is only what YOU make it. You will learn that form this movie! I already did!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Travis=Banana Republic!

I never knew how exclusive and expensive this place was until today. The material from their clothing line is exceptional and the fragrances are AWESOME! This is a pic of the Cologne that I have got to have-it smells so dang on good. It is called "Slate." I had a job interview with them today and Ceci has to check my references and I am all set to go to work there and I cannot wait. Working two jobs is something that I have never did before but I am willing to try and text it out! More money is never a bad thing!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Jay and Wayne's Arrival 2 NOLA N 1 Week
I have some ex-missionaries friends coming into town in exactly one week to visit and they are going to be seeing me and spending some quality time with me and I am so thrilled about it! We are going to have so much fun! I'm so excited and cannot wait to see Wayne again! I have never met Jay before-but getting to know him via Facebook and Wayne has told him that I am the coolest cat on this side of the Mississippi! Funny, huh? Oh, let next week come here fast!! Let it! Let it! Let!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Opening and Closing Hollywood Video Store Today!!!
Today was mah very FIRST solo act of opening up the store by mahself and tonight I will b closing the store. The Store Manager has trained me very well and I feel comfortable in both opening and closing shifts!!! I did a great job this morning and I will close tonight with the exception of a rude or complicated customer, I think that I will be fine-the only concern that I have is that a problem may arise that I have either never heard of before or I will have to call some one for assistance and the customer may not have the patience to wait! We shall see! We shall see!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Saturday's "Orphan"

My movie theatre debut returns for Thursday, July 30th, 2009! This movie was one of those horror/laughter thriller films.. there were NO scary parts, but the normal ones like people jumping out form the middle of no where and things like that-but there was a twist with this film and at then end. One that I did NOT see coming and I will give the credit where the credit is due on that part. Good job Hollywood! Lol! It was good-but it could have been a little bit better! It was gruesome! Definitely! I could not believe some of the things that I saw! After seeing this movie, I would have to do a deep background check on my own terms before I adopted a child! Seriously! :D
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Return to "The Ugly Turth"

Tonight marks the FIRST night I am went back to the movie theatre to see a new movie since I was last there, which is a month ago! If n e one knows me they know me not going to the movies in a month is life-threatening! Lol! I love the movies! Love it! This movie was great! It was a sweet lil romantic comedy but I kind of figured out what was going to happen at the end of the movie! I loved it a lot! Definitely buying it on DVD. It was similar to Miss March film, but not X-rated sexual content as bad, but sex-related images and suggestions. R-rated was appropriate for this movie! I feel CONFIDENT in saying that and that bloggers is The Ugly Truth! HaHa!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
MY BIG HOLLYWOOD PROMOTION: Keys and Codes Recieved For Hollywood
I got the official keys to the building today and the code to the alarm and safe at work. As of today, I am officially a Shift Leader and it only took me 3 weeks. Am I really that much of a fast learner? Nicole, Tammy,and Rietta seem to think that I am a employee that grasps on rather quickly! I thank them so very much for the faith that they trusted and put in me and my efforts to do the very best job that I can possibly do and give it all that is in me! I am so proud of myself and ready to take on the role of Manager on Duty and Shift Leader! Nicole NEVER wants to let me go and when I joke with her about quitting, she tells me, "Boy, u aint going no where and if you do I will "sneak" ya!" That was an old old old old old saying back in the 1990's and she makes me LOL when she says that!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Payday Sucked Today :( AND I Saw $tone Today! AND Target Interview
I wanted to do several major things with this paycheck because I thought it would be big-but it was not and I was not able to pay all the bills and get my TV repaired as I had planned and I was super bummed out about it but Nicole reassured me that my next check and those well after will be great and not like this one! Thank Gosh! The next check I get will be on the day that Elder Stone goes home from his mission so I will be sad and a little bit happy on this day! Just thinking about it makes me sick and sad! I finally had today off and went on exchanges with him and his companion today and it was great because I was not able to go out with them because of the gas, which was almost on the E-line! :(
I had a job interview at Target today-but I had to reschedule it! Working two jobs will b good for me. Tired? Busy? Yes and Yes but the $$$ is what I am looking and aiming for!
I had a job interview at Target today-but I had to reschedule it! Working two jobs will b good for me. Tired? Busy? Yes and Yes but the $$$ is what I am looking and aiming for!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Inventory! Inventory! Inventory!
Today starts inventory at work and we had to count every single last piece of candy in the store and Nicole and I had to throw out a ton of candy so I suggested that she give it to me because I know that the missionaries would love to have it and when I gave them the entire box of candy they were like super excited like I knew they would get! I felt excited all day today because I was trying to picture the look on their faces as they got ti and tonight was a dream...I got to give them candy and I got to see them again because it has been a while!
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Upgrade to Supervisor/Management Training Begins....
Last night @ work, the Assistant Manager tells me that the Manager want her to now train me in Supervisory things like counting the cash drawers, making deposits at the bank, overrides, manager opening and closing duties, etc. I will soon get my own set of keys to the store depending on how fast I can grasp the concept of all this. I am fairly good at adapting quickly. Last night was so damn awesome. I have always worked so hard to prove myself worthy of having a high position in a company. Sure, I have a college degree & it is not the career path that I have chosen, but it has to suffice til something in the Sociology field comes my way-but at least I am getting this experience because it is impressive to put on a resume. Not sure if that will scare employers off in the future because people are funny like that...all the degrees that one can have and the experience where someone in the same position does not have all that I have can be intimidating so that is y I said that-but never the less...last night I was so grateful to be upgraded and learning new skills that can help me better myself in the tough workforce! I must have really impressed my Supervisor for her to want to train me in these new areas and it has only been a week!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Travis H. Helps Travis W.
I was in a difficult financial complication today and my good friend Travis in Hooper, Utah helped me out and I really appreciated it and I wanted to make it known!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Bad Day @ Work! v. Bad Work Day for Tammy and Nicole!
Well, today was my FIRST day working with an employee that I was warned about as soon as I started. Her name is Shaquetta. I was told that basically she is a slow and lazy worker-not really hard working at all and it was proven to be true on today. She would not allow me to do any work at all whatsoever! She told me just to chill and sit in the office, she clips the movies, she scans them in, she never answers the phone if it rang, she jumped up and sat on the counters, she bought her friend in the office to talk and she ate back there and combed her hair, she was leaning on things talking and having long conversations with customers, she was curing very loudly at a customer on the telephone and I asked her nicely to please calm down and not say things like that and she told me that she did not care and the phone was on hold so the customer could not hear her and there were other people in the store! It was a nightmare! Absolute nightmare! When the Manager Nicole entered the store for her shift, I stopped eating in the back and ran up and hugged her so tight because I was so thrilled to see her because I did not wanna b left alone with Shaquetta for one more damn second! From the moment that I went in for my shift-I was calling Nicole hoping that she could pick up her cell so that I could inform her of what was happening and that if she had an assignment to give to me that she could tell me what to do because when I go to a job-I want to get paid for doing work and not for going outside and talking to friends and texting on my cell. Hell, I could stay @ home if I wanted to do that! Right?
The bad night for Tammy & Nicole is basically, I went back in the store after I went home and changed with my father to rent some movies and there was this customer that was curing Tammy out and calling her bad names and customers were in the store and my father said that he was waiting for that guy to step behind the counter because he would have put a hurting on him! My father is always ready to fight and stand up for what is right, but hell I aint like that-they have a lot of nuts out here ready to retaliate on u for n e little thing and I don't think that he realizes that......
The bad night for Tammy & Nicole is basically, I went back in the store after I went home and changed with my father to rent some movies and there was this customer that was curing Tammy out and calling her bad names and customers were in the store and my father said that he was waiting for that guy to step behind the counter because he would have put a hurting on him! My father is always ready to fight and stand up for what is right, but hell I aint like that-they have a lot of nuts out here ready to retaliate on u for n e little thing and I don't think that he realizes that......
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
First Real Day on the Job
It was really fun up until the point where I had to alphabetize the DVD into their certain genres. The new release wall and Premiere movies and Blue Ray section is in such an EASY AS HELL ABC Order, but the other categories are murder! My shift did not even start until 12noon but Nicole said that she needed me now so I had to clock in 10 minutes early, but that is okay! She was so proud of me handling my business and checking out customers, making them feel welcomed, etc. All in all today was hectic and fast but I did a great job and I am proud of myself!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
4th of July Working & Reminscing & Chillen!!!

Well, I did not have any plans at all today-but to just chill and when I woke up this morning-I got some text messages from my Supervisor at my new job and she was asking me if I would not mind coming in today from 1-4 just to help her out and that I did not need my uniform. I said hell yea! I got time in a hlaf because it was a holiday! She made me a nametag and we had a sidewalk sale on DVD's. I went to Party City and got some red, white, and blue balloons to decorate the store. I was trying to put the balloons in my car and as I ket forcing them in my car, they were busting so I decided to walk the balloons over to Hollywood Video! Lol... I did not want the money to go to waster so that is y I walked there. After work, I went home and at some BBQ food and then at around 8, I drove right down the street to the missionaries place and chilled with them for a few minutes and I talked and texted some friends to see how they were doing and to wish them a Happy 4th of July! I still cannot believe that today makes a year that I spent the last Fourth of July with 2 certain Elders! The Crown of Lady Liberty opened today after being closed in 2001 because of the 9/11 attack. I wished that I was back in NYC to go up in the Crown. I could only image how exciting and wonderful it has got to be! Tickets may not be $3 by the time I go there again! Lol-today is the FIRST time that I have really come to appreciate the 4th of July and what it means to be an American. I usually just treat it as another day, most people BBQ and drink/party but knowing that God blessed me with a job the day before today and knowing what today is. I feel really honored and blessed to be a US Citizen and knowing what the Statue of Liberty is more than freedom and Independence! Search deep within urself and u will see it is a lot more and it grows each and every year that ur alive to celebrate it! Happy 4th to all...
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