Today could not have started off any better, I logged onto Facebook and saw that my friend, Courtney set her status to something about she watched the thunder last night & it was cold outside this morning! I was like in the South and in October? Cold? Seriously? So I went outside to check and see how cold it really was and it was a light cold! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the cold weather and I love the snow. Go figure, huh? Louisiana where it NEVER snows and I love the snow, wonder where that came from, eh? Anyway-seeing a scary movie like The Stepfather and it is cold outside could have made this a better Friday! I was excited to see this movie ever since I saw the preview for it! This movie was good-had my attention 99.9%...I hate to say a perfect 100%. There was something about it though that it was lacking. It was just to original and very predictable! I mean, it was PG-13 and maybe that is y it was not scary enuf for me. Other horror films that are PG-13 show gory scenes and have the normal stuff like when u turn around some one is there and that music plays, but producers and movie makers need to think outside the box!
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