This is me and Elder Bare!!! I miss him so much!!

This is me and Elder Horner! I miss him too so much!!!
I was scrambling all day-back and forward from the Eastbank to the Westbank to see all the missionaries that were getting transferred to new areas. I was driving the Elders on the Eastbank whom live in Kenner all over to varied thrift stores to look for polyester ties! After all that ripping and running that we did-we stopped off at Cane's and got some grub. In these pics that you see-these are the Elders that left me and I will miss them so very much! They were cool and I know that they have to leave my area eventually, but when the Mission President transfers them and they have only been here for 6 weeks while others have been in areas for 8 months, I question that! Why? Why man? Why? Freak! Oh, yes-it sux because I make fast connections and friendships with them and that makes it even harder to leave them and say our goodbyes. Thank goodness for the pics and fun times, and videos that I have on my computer that I can look at from time to time to make me laugh or cry or whatever! I love them all!
I now, truly believe in the saying: "You never know how much you miss a person until their gone!" I really do miss these guys so much! I have been blessed to have such wonderful people in my life! Lasting friendships is something that I will cherish for eternity!!! The thing that just makes it hard for me is that these missionaries are people whom I can call "real friends!" Why can't people like that exist here in Louisiana? It's sad, but so so so true!
I now, truly believe in the saying: "You never know how much you miss a person until their gone!" I really do miss these guys so much! I have been blessed to have such wonderful people in my life! Lasting friendships is something that I will cherish for eternity!!! The thing that just makes it hard for me is that these missionaries are people whom I can call "real friends!" Why can't people like that exist here in Louisiana? It's sad, but so so so true!
Oh, yes-there was an Edler Skidmore that use to serve on the Westbank and now he is back, not near me, but I get to talk to him again only over the phoen because I am not driving out to Houma, La. 2 see him! Too long of a drive-but losing 3 and gaining one is still good!
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